Choosing Whether or Not To Get Life Insurance by Manny St Cyr

Life insurance is one of those things that could be seen as an extra expenditure that you really might not need. Right? We can always find somewhere else for that money to go, and the truth is, we may not really give it much thought until we have a family and start accumulating assets. Life insurance is an insurance policy, just like our auto or homeowner's insurance, which provides us with extra assurance that if something happens we will be covered financially. In the case of death, life insurance allows our family to take care of our end of life needs, such as burial or cremation at the least, and more depending on how much coverage we purchase.

Since we are living in the age of credit, we tend to carry a good amount of debt through our working years. Most of us have mortgage payments, car payments, credit cards, personal loans and student loans to name a few. Many companies offer their employees life insurance coverage of some sort that could be purchased at a reduced rate. Depending on your specific situation, it may be a small amount or maybe twice your salary. There are many that choose to buy life insurance from their friendly neighborhood life insurance agent for added coverage.

Premiums are based on what type of policy is chosen and the age of the person seeking coverage. We are always getting offerings in the mail for a reduced rate policy if we act now, and frankly, all those terms can be somewhat confusing. What is the difference between a whole life policy and a term policy? A term policy is just that; you are purchasing a certain amount of life insurance for a specified term, usually twenty years. The premium stays the same throughout this time period and does not build any type of cash value. Whole life insurance policies on the other hand, do build cash value, and can be borrowed against, or cashed in at various stages throughout the policyholder's whole life.

Personally, I think life insurance is a good idea, because you don't want to leave your family with all the expenses. Many companies only specialize in life insurance. And local insurance agents can help you better choose your policy. Remember, the older you get the more it costs to get insured so it would be smart to do it while you are still young and get it over with

About the Author

For More Tips on Buying Life Insurance for you and your family. Visit The Financial & Insurance Tips Journal We can help guide you towards your Life insurance needs.

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