Headaches and Migraines: Symptoms of TMJ? by Patricia Woloch

When is a headache not a headache? Everyone gets headaches from time to time, but for millions of Americans, a headache can be the primary symptom of a condition called temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ. According to numerous estimates, TMJ is the third most common medical ailment in the United States. So when is a headache not a headache? For many people, the answer is when the headache is actually TMJ.
TMJ is when your jaw is improperly aligned. While this may sound simple, it actually manifests itself with a host of painful and potentially damaging symptoms. Some of the most common ones are headaches, facial numbness, tingling in the arms, legs and fingers, neck pain, ringing in the ears, chipped teeth, and grinding teeth.
While TMJ is very common, diagnosing it is not very easy. Only a qualified medical professional - in most cases, a neuromuscular dentist - can properly diagnose TMJ. It involves special scans and computer modeling, so that your bite position can be analyzed.
Neuromuscular Dentists: The TMJ Experts
Many people don't think of dentistry as anything beyond teeth, but neuromuscular conditions are an important aspect to good dental health. Only a neuromuscular dentist has the training and equipment to diagnose and treat TMJ. In fact, it's for this very reason that TMJ is so often misdiagnosed - doctors simply don't think to consider it as a possible cause of headaches.
"As a neuromuscular dentist, I keep the position of the temporomandibular joint in mind during all of my cosmetic dentistry procedures," says Dr. Dennis Ikuta, a neuromuscular dentist in Reedley, California. "Not only are neuromuscular dentists specially trained to diagnose and treat TMJ, but they are trained to prevent it from developing."
Neuromuscular dentists are singularly well equipped to treat TMJ. The most common, and generally most successful, treatment for TMJ is TENS. TENS is short for transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation. Gentle electrical current is run through your jaw muscles, which relaxes those muscles, stopping spasms and relieving pain.
Additional treatments include jaw re-alignment, often involving a custom-made mouthpiece the patient wears at night. In most cases, TMJ can be treated quite effectively with pain-free, non-invasive procedures.
Say Goodbye to Headaches
The results are life changing. Because TMJ is a chronic condition, TMJ sufferers often become somewhat accustomed to on-going pain. Once the TMJ is treated, however, that pain lifts. On-going TMJ-related aches can lead to depression, irritability, and general discomfort. TMJ treatment improves both the physical and the psychological aspects of TMJ.
If you suffer from on-going headaches, it's important to meet with a neuromuscular dentist. A neuromuscular dentist has additional training - above and beyond traditional dental school - and is the type of medical professional most qualified to diagnose, and subsequently treat, TMJ.
A headache can be more than just a headache. It can be a warning sign of TMJ. If you suffer from headaches, jaw pain, eyestrain, tingling in the arms and legs, or similar symptoms, it is absolutely worth your time to meet with a neuromuscular dentist. TMJ is a very common problem, yet one which the general public is largely unfamiliar with. Even physicians tend to overlook TMJ as a possible cause, since the symptoms of TMJ are so varied and vague. Only a neuromuscular dentist - typically - has the training and experience necessary to correct TMJ.

About the Author
Contact Dr. Ikuta to discuss your symptoms by visiting his website or calling (559) 638-6321.

The Expansion of Rejuvenation for Your Face by Patricia Woloch

Rejuvenation means to reverse the process of aging and to get the full advantage of modern techniques, you must consider all the options. These options, nowadays, include facial cosmetic surgery, a practice that has escalated exponentially from secret procedures practiced by movie stars and parvenus to a popular and open practice in just a few short decades and is now available to the "everyday" person.
Available Procedures
For those looking to improve just about any area of the face, cosmetic surgeons and aestheticians have found a solution. These include:
· Face, forehead, eye and neck lifts· Ear and nose reshaping· Chin and cheek implants· Botox® injections· Face and neck liposuction· Injectable fillers· Glycolic, citric, and lactic acid peels· Laser skin resurfacing· Microdermabrasion· Lymphatic drainage
...along with waxing, tinting, bleaching and more.
A Few Stats
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), close to 11 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures were performed in 2006, an increase of 7 percent in only one year. And of those procedures, liposuction, eyelid surgery and nose reshaping were among the top five most performed. (Although liposuction encompasses other parts of the anatomy, it also entails the face and neck.) Minimally invasive procedures were up 8 percent, with Botox® injections, chemical peels, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion and hyaluronic acid injectables (dermal fillers) - all facial procedures - making up every one of the five most-performed procedures. These numbers affirm the fact that every day, more and more people across the country are wanting to look better - and are doing something about it.
Multiple Procedures Common
Many cosmetic surgery clients have realized that more than one procedure can help them. For instance, a minimally invasive facelift, such as the highly successful Simplicity lift, improves their check, neck and jaw line, but to improve on a furrowed brow or droopy eyes, they can opt to have additional procedures like the forehead lift or an eyelid lift done at the same time.
As Speed of Procedures Goes Up, Costs Go Down
New minimally invasive surgical techniques are revolutionizing facial cosmetic surgery, such as those used by Dr. Michael Jasin of the Jasin Facial Rejuvenation Institute in Florida. This doctor employs the "pulley" stitch as part of his suturing techniques and makes far fewer incisions than are made in traditional facelifts, thus decreasing the time of facelift procedures from three to five hours to right around an hour - and without the use of general anesthesia. These factors are not only making cosmetic surgery safer and shorter, they're making it affordable to more people than ever.
Rejuvenation - It's Do-able!
Rejuvenating the face does not have to be the stuff of daydreams any longer. Doctors performing facial cosmetic surgery today have a variety of procedures, exceptionally trained staffs, the latest in technology and knowledge - and most of them offer financial arrangements to pay for it. Cosmetic surgery has reached a new level of do-ability - why not take advantage of it?

About the Author
If you are considering cosmetic surgery, contact the surgeons at Jasin Facial Rejuvenation Institute in Tampa, FL today.

Findings on Brittle Diabetes by Roger Guzman, M.D.

Brittle diabetes is not easy for all those concerned. It is a difficult condition not only for the patients but also to the health care providers and family. While this condition most often occurs in the 15-30 age group, there have been reports of brittle diabetes causing problems for the elderly.
This was why Drs. Susan Benbow of Liverpool's University Clinical Department of Medicine and Geoffrey Gill along with Angela Walsh of Liverpool's Diabetes Center were prompted to study the characteristics and causes of brittle diabetes in the elderly.
What they did was sent out questionnaires to all United Kingdom hospital clinics for diabetic adults. In this way they were able to obtain reports for 55 patients who met the standards for brittle diabetes among the senior population. What are these criteria? In order to become participants for this research, first, they have to be 60 years old or over.
The second standard is that they have to be treated with insulin. And they have had their lives disrupted by glycemic instability. Moreover, they must have been hospitalized for a long period and this hospitalization should have been not only of long duration but often.
After calculating the mean age, the result came up as 74 years old. The number of cases for females is a high 71%. The researchers classified the brittle diabetes among the senior population into three categories:
. varied instability in 44%
. repeated ketoacidosis in 29%
. recurrent hypoglycemia in 15%
You must wonder why the aforementioned statistics did not arrive at a total of 100%. It's because enough information was not available in some cases. There was not a single cause for brittle diabetes among two-thirds of the participants which amounted to 66%brittle diabetes. In fact, the researchers found many causes for this diabetes in this age group,
As for the single cause of this condition, they discovered that the main reason for this condition is medical disease. The researchers did not identify the medical disease although another study reported that their cases also involved other chronic diseases. Another cause is that only 6% of the participants were unaware of the hypoglycemic event.
Problems about behavior and memory were found not to be common. Only four cases were found showing patients who intentionally manipulated the treatment. And 84% of the elderly who were afflicted with brittle diabetes were living alone.
Among the four cases who manipulated the treatment, two with repeated ketoacidosis were thought of as seeking attention by leaving out insulin. One had problems with her marriage and possibly was suffering from depression. She seemed to be wanting to gain personally from her glycemic instability.
The last subject who manipulated the therapy case was deemed to be calculating and depressed. Her hypoglycemic events all occurred in public. However in all these cases there were other issues that may have led to the instability. Most of these would be the chronic non-diabetic medical condition.
Among the younger cases, the main characteristic of brittle diabetes is recurrent ketoacidosis but this research seems to indicate that brittle diabetes in the elderly have different causes and patterns. With the older group now making use of insulin treatment, we may see more of the same cases.
The diabetes health care team found many causes of the condition but it is more important to note that this survey found that brittle diabetes among the senior population exists. And this problem should not be ignored. It is quite a problem not only for the health care team but for the family as well.
When the elderly is admitted to the hospital for diabetes, the reason given is usually varied. The most cause is mixed brittleness whereas for the younger patients, ketoacidosis is the most common reason for hospitalization. There are more females than males among the elderly but this does not come as a surprise so it is not considered as statistically important.
There is not enough publications on unstable diabetes in the elderly. The report in Birmingham, UK is that 25% of those with repeated episodes were over 59 years old. That most of these have mixed brittleness was found by Griffin and Yudkin. They did not identify any clear cause for the instability.
Gale et al from Nottingham in 1981 reported that 33% of diabetic patients who were admitted to the hospital over a period of 7 years were over 50 years old. There is a need therefore to think of strategies to face the clear indication that brittle diabetes in the elderly is a reality. Multidisciplinary approach is the way to go when dealing with prevention and management.

About the Author
Roger Guzman, M.D. was Director of Forensic Psychiatry at Centracare for ten years and published numerous articles in the Journal of the American College of Forensic Psychiatry and other medical magazines. For more information, please visit these sites:
Brittle Diabetes
Diabetes Diet

Get Rid of Fat and Still Eat Like a Pig! by Kari Larson

There's a "new gal" in town, and her name is Dr. Suzanne! And she's done something no one has ever done before: She's found the REAL way to LOSE FAT, be HEALTHY and, yet, still EAT whatever you want! In fact, she's even had "death threats" aimed against her, because what she's done has really ticked off the powers-that-be -- including drug companies and weight-loss food manufacturers.
Here's how her new "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" works...
Dr. Suzanne discovered something that a small group of other doctors are just now catching on to -- namely, that ALL sicknesses and diseases [including obesity] start in the intestines [your colon]. This happens because of "toxic build-up" due to your body being unable to get rid of a small amount of what you eat in every single meal or snack you take in. And, over time, this little "leftover bit" starts to add up -- and BIGTIME!
It works basically like this: You eat, say, 100 "units" of toxins in every meal or snack. You "poop-out" most of it -- i.e., about 99 units. Subtracting means you have 100 - 99 = 1 leftover "toxic" unit. Over 1,000 such snacks or meals, you end up having 1,000 "toxic" units in "build-up."
Although each small meal or snack may seem meaningless to you, these built-up "stores" of toxins cause your body to equally build up FAT. Why? To "protect" you from the poisonous "toxins."
That's right! The extra pounds are your body's way of putting a big "rubber tire" of insulation between YOU and the "bad junk." And, once you have BOTH extra "fat stores" and "toxins," you're in BIG, BIG TROUBLE!
What then happens is, you fall vulnerable to every kind of "sickness" and "disease." And this pattern is what's been happening now for the better part of 50 years -- moreso in the United States than perhaps anywhere else on earth!
Before 1954, in fact, people ate much fattier foods -- full of greasy cholesterol and oils -- yet the number of people who suffered diabetes, cancers, strokes and just about everything else, pales compared to today! So, the "guilty party" had little to nothing to do with all the so-called "bad foods" -- and pretty much went completely unnoticed.
"Unnoticed" until Dr. Suzanne began studying the problem. You see, Dr. Suzanne comes from a family of "chunky" people. Yet, despite this, she is very lean and even sexy! People who meet her think she's some kind of "aerobics trainer" or someone who starves themselves half to death.
But that's NOT the case at all! Dr. Suzanne doesn't really exercise that much, and she even "eats like a pig" [according to one close friend and "insider"].
So how is this possible? Luck? Hardly! Dr. Suzanne discovered that if you simply get rid of the same amount of toxins and JUNK going in, you never end up getting the "toxic build-up" in the first place. And NO toxic build-up means absolutely NO disease, and NO extra "pudge" around the middle, butt or love handles, nor near the armpits and backs of the legs.
Going back to our little equation above, we get: 1,000 "toxic" units - 1,000 "toxic" units = 0 "toxic" units. And, when you have 0 "toxic" units, you have 0 "toxic" build-up. And, of course, when you have 0 "toxic" build-up, you have 0 "disease" and 0 "extra fat!"
But what is more surprising than this discovery is the fact that, even though she [and a growing number of other newly enlightened doctors] has mountains of evidence supporting this, the "mainstream" medical establishment is out to get her -- just like prosecutors in the notorious "Salem Witch Trials!"
Short of trying to burn her at the stake, other doctors would rather keep selling you "toxic" drugs -- that, although eliminating one symptom, cause who only knows how many "other" very damaging, and even dangerous, conditions?
Also, not surprisingly, weight-loss food companies would equally like some "evil" to befall the lovely Dr. Suzanne.
"I guess it's just a matter of economics," suggests Dr. Suzanne. "After all, if people follow my advice, they will never get sick in the first place; they will never get fat; and, therefore, they will have little need or dependency on either other doctors or special diet foods."
And this means a major loss in income to doctors and food manufacturers -- in terms of BILLIONS of dollars lost to them! So serious this has become, that Dr. Suzanne recently suffered death threats -- believed by at least one federal law enforcement agency to have originated from high up in the world of big business from the drug empires. [And I don't mean the illegal drug dealers, either, but the "legal" drug dealers; AKA Big Pharma.]
"Officials" won't say yet who their chief suspects are -- and, most likely, the whole matter will become "hushed up" all too soon. Hushed up because: 1] The "powerful drug companies" are certainly rich enough to pay someone to close any investigation; and 2] The more threats she gets, the more people everywhere will "KNOW" she's telling the truth. After all, if she weren't challenging these "powerful bigwigs," they wouldn't be so upset!
Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" works on getting your body to get rid of the toxins -- NOT on trying to get you to make major changes in your lifestyle -- which, by the way, few people can really muster.
I mean, think about it: 99% of everyone you know who says they are doing a "new diet" only end up failing anyway. The woman we all know who said, five years ago, that she was on some new diet to "LOSE 25 pounds" now weighs 50 pounds more. [Ha! Horrible ... yet a tad funny, too!]
Or, how about the guy who joins the gym to "get back into shape," then a year later looks even worse?
These are the people YOU and I both know. They're all around us, and are clear "PROOF" that diets and exercise DON'T really work -- and not because those things aren't good for you and me, but because something else is standing in their way! And that "something else" is none other than "toxins!" Get rid of "them," and get rid of "everything else!" It's just that simple.
But you MUST know what you're doing, or else you may make a big mistake! And that's precisely what's inside Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"
Now, at this point, I would like you to strongly consider everything I've said here. I hope you will even get her "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" for yourself.
Ordinarily, I'd say do whatever you want, as I would never try to twist anyone's arm. However, in this particular case, I must press you. You see, because Dr. Suzanne has been the target of death threats, and because she's now taking so much heat from the so-called "good guys" out to sell you every "legal" drug under the sun, she may be forced to remove her "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" out of YOUR reach very, very soon!
And if that happens, YOU, at least, may never find out the TRUTH, and not be able to use it for yourself -- or those you love and want to protect!
That's the real reason I'm writing you today: So that you have the chance to be armed with something that, if you act right away, no one can ever take away from you!
So, rather than write a single sentence more, I'll just give you the link, so you can get it right now -- before it's too late:
==> http://tinyurl.com/2yx268
That's it. Please, do what you think, right now, is BEST...
P.S.: Please don't overlook the seriousness concerning this, only to discover later when you really want it, it's somehow no longer available! That kind of thing truly hurts when you miss out. Take action now:
==> http://tinyurl.com/2yx268
Tags: 2008, alternative, Big Pharma, bowel, cancer, chronic, colon, companies, conspiracy, death threats, diabetes, diet, digest, digestion, digestive, disease, doctor, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, drug, e-book, ebook, energy, establishment, extracts, fat, federal, food, harmony, health, herbs, how can, how do, how to, illness, intestines, law enforcement, lose, loss, mainstream, medical, natural, nutrition, obesity, organic, parasite, pharmaceutical, plaque, pounds, secret, shed, stroke, testimonials, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, toxic, toxins, treatment, TV, weight
© 2008 Kari Larson. All rights reserved.

About the Author
Kari Larson is a free-agent writer, small-business champion, health communicator, journalist, publisher and PR/branding/marketing catalyst who's focused on creating total health *and* artistic, professional and financial freedom.
Start making 2008 your healthiest and most high-energy year yet! Get Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" today: ==> http://tinyurl.com/2yx268

Super Clear Face by Taylor Beech

Today my face is super clear, but it wasn't always that way.
Y'know when ever I would read one of these types of articles that talks about how someone suffered from something and is now on the other side I was always skeptical.
I thought, "B.S. that is just some guy typing up a bunch of lies. Once you have a face that has acne, you always will." That was the old cynic.
But sitting here today I can honestly say that I am that guy and these words I write are the truth. All through high school I had acne. I would never get any zits on my cheeks but a ton around my mouth and beside my nose, with the occasional forehead pimple too.
I remember how it felt hating to go to school because people would actually see you. Walking around with as much self confidence as a mild mannered, naked toad man everyone was hard to talk to.
I'd make it through the day and feel so relieved to be home so that I could go through my routine of skin care that was completely wrong. I read that potassium got rid of pimples. Great, so I made sure to eat tons of potassium rich foods everyday, tons of bananas and potato chips!
Sure they are high in potassium but ridiculously oily and as I ate them everyday after school I was only making things worse.
I remember what it felt like to not know what the hell to do. To feel frustrated and wanting so badly to have clear skin all the time. To capture the feeling and confidence I had when I did have a clear skin day. Those days were magic!
I instantly felt more attractive, more confident, felt the stress lift away all from the way my face looked. Maybe I shouldn't have put so much stock in to that but I did and you probably do too.
Now many years later I eat extremely well, which I believe is a huge component to having clear skin and I also take preventive measures. Preventative measures to not only keep acne away but when you get a little older you start thinking about the other face problem... wrinkles.
Now I am only 30 and don't have too many wrinkles yet BUT now is the time to start tackling them. Why wait until you already have a catcher's mitt face to try and reverse the aging process? For many of us that will be too late.
You need to take care of your face NOW to prevent future breakouts AND slow the signs of aging.
How do you do that?
Take a quick peak over to this site and learn all about the revolutionary new at home, laser light therapy skin care device, Tanda.

About the Author
Taylor Beech is an expert in the home use of light therapy. Specializing in the treatment of acne and reducing the signs of aging. http://www.clearskintanda.com

Super Clear Face by Taylor Beech

Today my face is super clear, but it wasn't always that way.
Y'know when ever I would read one of these types of articles that talks about how someone suffered from something and is now on the other side I was always skeptical.

I thought, "B.S. that is just some guy typing up a bunch of lies. Once you have a face that has acne, you always will." That was the old cynic.

But sitting here today I can honestly say that I am that guy and these words I write are the truth. All through high school I had acne. I would never get any zits on my cheeks but a ton around my mouth and beside my nose, with the occasional forehead pimple too.

I remember how it felt hating to go to school because people would actually see you. Walking around with as much self confidence as a mild mannered, naked toad man everyone was hard to talk to.

I'd make it through the day and feel so relieved to be home so that I could go through my routine of skin care that was completely wrong. I read that potassium got rid of pimples. Great, so I made sure to eat tons of potassium rich foods everyday, tons of bananas and potato chips!

Sure they are high in potassium but ridiculously oily and as I ate them everyday after school I was only making things worse.

I remember what it felt like to not know what the hell to do. To feel frustrated and wanting so badly to have clear skin all the time. To capture the feeling and confidence I had when I did have a clear skin day. Those days were magic!

I instantly felt more attractive, more confident, felt the stress lift away all from the way my face looked. Maybe I shouldn't have put so much stock in to that but I did and you probably do too.

Now many years later I eat extremely well, which I believe is a huge component to having clear skin and I also take preventive measures. Preventative measures to not only keep acne away but when you get a little older you start thinking about the other face problem... wrinkles.

Now I am only 30 and don't have too many wrinkles yet BUT now is the time to start tackling them. Why wait until you already have a catcher's mitt face to try and reverse the aging process? For many of us that will be too late.

You need to take care of your face NOW to prevent future breakouts AND slow the signs of aging.

How do you do that?

Take a quick peak over to this site and learn all about the revolutionary new at home, laser light therapy skin care device, Tanda.

About the Author
Taylor Beech is an expert in the home use of light therapy. Specializing in the treatment of acne and reducing the signs of aging. http://www.clearskintanda.com

Considerations When Browsing Internet Pharmacy Sites by harvey

The advent of the Internet has become an impressive development and quite revolutionary for the business world. The emergence of faster ways to process and place orders, along with the technology needed to get those orders filled, has resulted in the emergence of businesses that operate solely on the Internet. Every major field in the world, from art to electronics, from travel to computers has some form of online presence. It is therefore no real shock that something as vital to modern civilization as medicine has taken up roots on the Internet as well. However, unlike most businesses, medicine and pharmacy are inherently hard to comprehend outside of a face-to-face environment. Like any other online retailer or business, an Internet pharmacy must be subjected to the same standards of testing as other online stores.
The first question that any consumer should have when dealing with an Internet pharmacy should be whether or not said Internet pharmacy can be trusted. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort for someone to set up a fake Internet pharmacy that looks so much like a legitimate one --- a frightening but very realistic prospect. There may be more than a few organizations that can be looked towards to verify the authenticity and reliability of any given website, but just how many consumers would be aware of them? And if consumers were aware, how many average consumers have the time, patience, or even good sense to go through the records of such organizations to find a site that is convenient, legitimate, and has what they need? Statistics for this sort of thing are hard to come by, but most anecdotal evidence and the prevalence of scam sites suggests that the numbers are dismally low.
Another thing to consider would be geography. The first part of this concern involves just how long it would take for standard delivery procedures to get your order to your doorstep. Medication can be a very sensitive thing, with some conditions being so hair-trigger than even a day's delay on drug doses can result in some very dangerous side effects. If the pharmacy's warehouses are nowhere near your location, then it would likely be much healthier to just drive to the closest real pharmacy than order online. Geography also plays a role on whether or not the pharmacy of your choice may even be able to deliver the medications you orders without breaking some law or regulation. Medication that enjoy legal status in one country could easily be restricted or illegal in another. Thankfully, a vast number of sites state the limits of their service somewhere on the site.
Availability should also be a concern. Just because a site shows that it stocks the medication you need, be it Tramadol or Viagra, doesn't mean it has them in stock at all times. Like a real store, online shops can run out of medication and have to place your order in the back, until their stocks are replenished. This can be a problem if the store doesn't inform you of this immediately, leaving you hanging and potentially facing side effects or unwanted symptoms because you missed a dose or two of your medication.

About the Author
Harvey Ong is a part-time writer and part-time creative, currently employed by an online media and advertising company. He is interested in philosophy,history,psychology,criminology, toxicology, pharmacy, and sociology. He is also an avid collector of porcelain figurines.href="http://www.drugstoretm.com">DrugstoreTM.com is a reputable online drug store. From sexual health to a woman's health, sleeping aids to weight loss pills, ou

The Most Popular Types of Asian Massage by Kerry Ng

Tremendous massage techniques have been developed in both India and the Far East over the centuries. The Asian massage is still very popular for both relaxation and as a therapy around the world. Countless people have used this type of massage for centuries with tremendous health benefits.
The Thai Massage
The Thai massage originated in India. This type of massage combines guided stretching and Meridian pressure techniques with Pranayama breathing. Dr. Shivago K. introduced it to Thailand back in Buddah's time, dating back about 2500 years ago. The Pranayama breathing technique is meant for cleansing the body and strengthening the nervous system. Pranayama Raising also helps in boosting the immune system, concentration, and focusing as well as more efficient oxidation of the blood. The massage area it is either on a mat or a firm mattress on the floor. The person is made to practice yoga like positions during the course of the massage. After the session, most people find that the Thai massage has helped them feel both relaxed and refreshed.
The Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu hails from the Japanese words shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure. This is in other type of Asian massage that was developed in the Far East, originating in Japan. It's a very popular form of massage that uses thumb pressure, fingers and palms. It works along the energy meridians in the body, similar to that as acupressure. There are tremendous health benefits derived from the Shiatsu massage; benefits such as rebalancing of bone system, enhance balance of the nervous system, improvement in circulatory function and greater flexibility of skin and muscle.
The Chinese Tui Na Massage
Tui Na is a form of Chinese manipulative therapy developed over 5000 years ago. This type of massage is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, Chinese herbalism another health related therapies. The essence of this massage lies in the applying of pressure to the body at certain key points. It employs a series of tapping, pressing and kneading with the therapist's palms, knuckles, fingertips or certain implements that will help remove blockages along the meridians of the body.
The end result is the stimulation of the flow of qi (natural respiration of the body) and blood to promote healing. Tui Na Massage is used as a treatment for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as certain non-musculoskeletal conditions. This type of treatment has far fewer negative side effects that many of the modern drug-based and chemical-based treatments use today in our western culture.
The Javanese Massage
The Javanese massage originated from Indonesia. It is another significant type of Asian massage. This uses all parts of the therapist's hand, which includes the knuckles, fingers and palms to knead and massage the muscles. This treatment is a facilitated by using massage oil. The Javanese massage helps release tension, alleviates back pain and helps in the healing of fractures. This is probably the most robust (and even painful) type of Asian massage there is. However, it has tremendous benefits for your overall health and well-being.

About the Author
Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Massage Info Blog. For more great helpful information about massages visit http://www.massageinfoblog.com

3 Deadly Skin Care Myths by Mark Aleks

Your skin is one of the most important components to beauty. Clean, young, vibrant looking skin can increase a woman and man's attractiveness ten fold. The tricky part is there are hundreds of myths out there that can destroy the beauty of your skin.
Are any of those myths having an effect on your skin?
Here are 3 myths that could have a deadly effect on the beauty of your skin, and how to overcome them to create and keep beautiful skin.
1. Wearing Sunscreen The concept of using sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful sun is good. However, the problem is that most sunscreens contain active ingredients which are harmful chemicals. Depending on the sunscreen, the chemicals may include Benzophenones, PABA and PABA esters, Cinnamates, Salicylates, Digalloyl trioleate, Menthyl anthranilate and Avobenzone. The Environmental Working Group found 84% of sunscreens are harmful to consumers.
Solution: A surprisingly good natural sun block comes from broccoli extract. It has been found to produce a matrix of protective enzymes that defend against damage from UV exposure.
2. Buying the Best Smelling, Best Looking Skin Lotions Everyone loves shopping at the mall and smelling skin lotions. In fact, the smell and look of a lotion are the biggest reasons people buy it. Unfortunately, the smell and look in most products are created artificially. And when it's created artificially, it is harmful to your skin. It may make your skin feel moist, but on the cellular level it is speeding up the aging process.
Solution: Look for lotions that have all natural, or even better, all organic fragrances and coloring.
3. Using Soapy Soap After watching Dove Soap commercials you can't help but want to use soaps to lather your body clean. Soaps can do rather the opposite though. They tend to clog your pores due to the ingredients that make the soap a solid. That leads to acne and also takes away the vibrant look on the skin.
Solution: Try to use less harsh and/or organic soaps, and use cleansers on your face more often.
These myths come totally unexpected considering our culture practices them everyday. Being aware of them and creating new healthy habits can have profound effects on aging.
With your skin, the smallest changes begin to make the biggest differences, just as these 3 myths can dramatically impact the beauty of your skin.

About the Author
Mark Aleks and his brother started a skin care company at a young age, providing exclusive skin care products to spa and salons in cities like Boston and New York City.
To sign up for his skin care newsletter on eliminating aging, go to EliminateSkinAging.com

Quit Smoking - Ideas That Work by Diane Ellen

If you have decided to quit smoking, congratulations! You are on your way to join the millions of people who have successfully quit smoking.
Let's look at a few of the methods that people use to stop:
What are the aids available? Nicotine patches, inhalers and gum are the main ones. A doctor can also give you a prescription drug if you consult one.
These aids are especially helpful the first few weeks, especially if you feel like you are really suffering from strong withdrawal symptoms. Severe irritability and bursts of anger which could have a negative effect on your life and relationships can be relieved by using these aids. The rate of success with using them is higher than just quitting. You should not need to take these aids for more than a couple of weeks.
Hypnosis is something that many people have found helpful in their goal of quitting smoking. A hypnotist's suggestion that you won't have a desire to smoke any more is pretty convincing.
Hypnotherapy can work on minimizing or even abolishing cravings. Even though some people are more susceptible to hypnosis, once the hypnosis works, the command should work on anybody.
Being wise about timing - like avoiding really stressful times can help in being successful in quitting.
Just Quit (Or going cold turkey)
If you decide to simply stop, you will need a lot of focus and you can gain that through motivation. Making a list of all the reasons that you want to stop may help you. Keep adding to them even after you have stopped since you want more motivation when you have cravings.
Be really positive in your thinking. A strong motivation to you may something as minor as noticing that your breath smells really good. Any positive result to focus on with help you through. Keep congratulating yourself on the little things that make you feel good that you quit!
Going cold turkey, or simply stopping, sounds the most difficult but many people have been successful with it. However, having some help can ease the pressure and help with the cravings and other withdrawal problems such irritability and anger.
Did you ever think that people go without cigarettes for about 7 hours every night? Even heavy smokers with a serious nicotine addiction manage to get through the night without a cigarette! It may help to keep that in your mind and realize that most people can go for much longer between cigarettes than they may think.
Most importantly, the fact that you want to quit is more important than which method you choose. Don't put it off - just get started!

About the Author
Many people want to quit smoking. The concern about serious health risks can be a powerful motivator. For tips and more advice on quitting successfully go to: http://quit-smoking.great-home-remedies.com

Where To Find Home Remedies by Healthy Harry

Home remedies have become an ever increasing alternative to modern medicine. For thousands of years, it has been proven that home made medices from herbs and other organic materials are far more effective to treat many health problems both for humans and animals.
If you are anything like me, you probably do not like modern medicines anyway. Let's face it.. the inflation of test lab medication has sky rocketed over the last 10 years and it's mainly due to the rich man wantting to become richer. It's a money game now and medicines new medicine are created everyday that supposedly cure/help the same problems as thousands of other products. It's all about money anymore.. pathetic that humanity could care so little about itself.
However, remedies are natural, organic, self prepared and relitively easy to find. I have used home remedies for my childrens' colds, back pain, cuts and bruises, the flu and headaches just to name a few. I found that the home remedies I used worked far better than store bought medicines. I recommend everyone to try home remedies for their illnesses before consulting a doctor and haveing to pay for a prescription that can host hundreds of dollars.

About the Author
You can find the Ultimate Guide for Home Remedies by Clicking Here!

Bikini Line Hair Removal - Your Easy Guide by Michelle Jones

One of the most common places for removing hair for women is bikini line hair removal. After all in today's lifestyle that women go to beaches and other places where they are wearing a bikini, it's important to look clean and attractive.
So if you are a woman looking for the best methods to remove bikini line hair, this guide will show you some of the best and easiest methods...
1. Shaving
This method is the most popular way to remove hair - not only in the bikini line area, but also on legs, underarm, and face for men.
The benefits of this method are mostly because it is very easy for anyone to do, and all you need is a razor.
But there are some safety and health tips to remember when shaving your bikini area.
Because if you don't shave carefully and know how to do it, you may cut your skin, or get pimples or ingrown hair.
Here is a helpful guide on public hair shaving to help you protect yourself.
2. Hair Removal Creams and Powders
This type of hair removal is also very easy and even has no risk of cutting yourself or getting pimples. It is also totally pain free.
Hair removal creams and powders use a chemical effect to remove your hair in the bikini line area, and also give you a smooth skin at the end.
3. Brazilian Bikini Waxing
This method is becoming more popular among women to remove public hair, because it lasts for a longer time. So when you do it once - even though it has some pain - but you'll stay hair-free until at least 3-5 days.
So this is one of the best bikini line hair removal methods if you can tolerate the pain.
4. Laser Hair Removal
Laser is a permanent hair removal method which is safe and will last for a lifetime. So you no longer have to worry about removing your public hair every single day.
The main concern for most people when it comes to using laser hair removal, is the cost. So if it fits your budget, then by all means you can go for it.

About the Author:
Michelle Jones is a hair and skin beauty expert and is offering tons of FREE Public Hair Removal Tips for women and men to help you discover the easiest methods of removing public hair.
Check out the latest public hair removal methods and ideas to save time and have an enjoyable hair removal experience!

How Planning Cosmetic Surgery in Your Life Has Evolved by Patricia Woloch

Scheduling cosmetic surgery has come a long way. During the early 1960s, at the beginning of the general population's "awakening" to the benefits of cosmetic surgery with the development of silicone, months were spent in preparation for certain surgeries. Because many of the surgeries were invasive and required, without exception, the use of general anesthesia, doctors performed them in hospitals with anesthesiologists monitoring the patient carefully as the surgeon performed the operation. After the procedure, the patient faced long weeks - sometimes months - of recovery that included heavy-duty pain medications.

Why the Surge in Cosmetic Surgery?
But cosmetic surgery is and has been on the upswing over the years. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons' recent statistics show a 48 percent increase in cosmetic surgeries performed from 2000 to 2006, due to a number of important factors.

One explanation undoubtedly lies in the new technological advancements in equipment such as lasers and new types of materials used in implants and sutures or the implementation of tiny, precise incisions and innovative suturing techniques. For instance, one Florida facial cosmetic surgeon utilizes what is called the "pulley" stitch to perform his "Simplicity" facelift procedure. A single tiny incision is made at the front of the ear and through this small opening, the surgeon is able to lift and tighten cheeks, jaw lines and the neck. The results? The youthful, more rested appearance that comes with a firmer-looking face, neck and jowls. Other benefits include local (as opposed to general) anesthesia, no large dressings, an ultra-quick recovery (usually only two or three days) with minimal scarring and, very importantly, a huge timesaving over traditional cosmetic surgery. Simplicity lifts are done in about an hour; traditional facelifts take anywhere from three to five hours.

Looking Better in Record Time

Nowadays, it's easy to take a lunch hour and visit the cosmetic surgeon for a Botox® injection or invest a few hours of an afternoon toward plumping up wrinkles with a dermal filler. If you have your facelift done on Friday, by Monday the following week, you're ready to return to work and get back to your regular schedule. Laser skin resurfacing treatments can vary in degrees from a Friday afternoon procedure in which it only takes a weekend to recover to a week-to-nine-day "Maximizing Peel" process that can be accomplished during vacation time leaving the patient refreshed and looking great when they return to work.

It's true that scheduling cosmetic surgery has evolved--turned completely around, in fact--from planning your life to fit the procedure to now being able to arrange the procedure to fit in with your life. Looking better has never been easier, nor gaining a new sense of self-confidence as a result. Since planning cosmetic surgery is as simple as picking up the phone and making the appointment for an initial consultation, it's no surprise that more and more people are doing exactly that.

About the Author

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, contact the Jasin Facial Rejuvenation Institute today.

Benefits of Taking Liquid Vitamins in 2008 by Don Alexander

Vitamins and minerals can be absorbed by the body in a number of ways. They first enter our body through the food we eat. Secondly, we can take vitamin supplements to increase the amount of pertinent vitamins and minerals. There are different methods of taking medication and one of the most common methods is absorbing it in its liquid form. Do the advantages of liquid vitamins far outweigh its disadvantages - if there are any? Read on and find out.

Better or Easier Absorption for Kids
Although liquid vitamins may taste worse than vitamins in flavored, chewable tablet forms, they are however easier to absorb. There are numerous cases in which children have problems with choking, breathing and swallowing simply because of their inability to absorb medication or vitamins in this form.

This is the same problem as well for adults who have lost their ability to control their jaws or are unable to digest anything that is not in liquid form.

Liquid Vitamins are More Effective
Because of its form, liquid vitamins can be assimilated immediately into the blood stream for a more systemic administration of the vitamin and its average absorption rate is approximately 90 to 98%. It is also three to five times more concentrated than vitamin pills and this lead to higher bio-activity and greater therapeutic benefits.

The Link between Antioxidants and Liquid Vitamins
Have you ever wondered whether or not liquid vitamins contained oxidants as well? Vitamins E, C and A are examples of antioxidants and they are commonly found in vitamin supplements but what about liquid vitamins?

And the answer is an absolute YES. Liquid vitamins must in fact contain such antioxidants or they'll prove to be ineffective compared to other vitamins. Remember that the most important of all antioxidants - Vitamins A, C and E - are not internally produced by the body so they must be a regular fixture in our diet. Antioxidants are our main defense against effects of damaging oxidation reactions. Antioxidants are our best weapons against suffering from any form of cancer. Without it, we are basically weaker and less healthy.

Liquid Vitamins versus Digestive Acids
One reason why people refuse to acknowledge the benefits of liquid vitamins is because of the supposed destruction by digestive acids of any vitamin or mineral that it does not recognize as part of the process of digestion. The opposite is, in fact true. Our digestive system actually prefers or is able to better absorb liquid vitamins and minerals rather than those made in pill or capsule form.

A vitamin pill or tablet has to be digested completely before it can benefit the human body. It must be broken down into absorbable nutrients or only up to thirty percent of it will be absorbed by the human body. Liquid vitamins however provide a better and easier solution for the digestive system. Because it does not depend in any way on mechanical digestion, an estimated 90% of it can be absorbed directly by the body.

It's vital to remember that digestion does not mainly function to destroy vitamins and minerals but rather to transform them into substances it can use to improve the general constitution of the body.

Liquid Vitamins: Toxic or Not?
Another problem posed is the amount of colloidal minerals found in liquid vitamins. Are they harmful or not?

In truth, even plants and fruits contain a trace of such minerals in them. Apples, for instance, contain 3-5 mg of aluminum as it's one of the most abundant elements that can be found in the surface of the Earth. But do you hear anyone telling you that apples are dangerous to your health? On the contrary, what we are more likely to hear is that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

And so it must be with liquid vitamins as well. Containing a slight amount of colloidal mineral doesn't mean it's bad for our health right away. Colloidal minerals, are above all else, naturally occurring elements and can not therefore be avoided.

Again, liquid vitamins have a 90% absorption rate and who better to recommend a liquid vitamin than an a company that has been producing them for 18 years - www.goldminez.com has a plethora of proven liquid vitamins that will keep you lean and mean in 2008! They also have some of the best solid vitamin supplements in existence today.

You Have a Choice
At the end of the day, however, it's still up to you whether or not you wish to take vitamin supplements in liquid or solid form. What really matters is what you prefer and which will ultimately work better for you.

About the Author

Don Alexander is owner of leading-online-business.com and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Don recommends you visit http://www.leading-online-business.com

Massage Treatment for Arthritis by Robert Vignoli

Today, millions of Baby Boomers suffer from arthritis. Many are still looking for effective methods of managing their arthritis pain, as pills do not work for everyone, and may have side effects that some people would like to avoid. For those patients seeking alternative methods to deal with their arthritis, massage may be the answer. Massage is non-invasive, relaxing and helps the body in a variety of ways.

A good massage therapist will be able to use the method of massage that is most effective for your arthritis. Depending on the type of arthritis that you suffer from, the massage techniques will vary. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints, while rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of the immune system. While both are very painful, the root causes are different.

What will happen during a massage therapy session: Your typical massage appointment will last anywhere from an hour to an hour-and-a-half. When using massage as a method of relief from arthritis, the client’s only job is to relax. The therapist will manipulate the affected areas through various massage strokes. The massage will help eliminate toxins that have built up in the joints through manipulating the muscles and joints that are affected. More nutrients will be clear to travel to the affected areas once these blockages are removed. Repeated massage treatments will help prevent the recurrence of the blockages. Once these problems are treated, the patient should feel some improvement in their range of motion.

Benefits of massage The benefits of massage are many and are well-documented. After a few treatments, the client should notice: • An increase in circulation • More flexibility • Less pain and inflammation • Less stiffness in the joints • Feeling better overall • Fewer aching muscles

Aromatherapy Another aspect of massage therapy is the use of essential oils. Many essential oils have relaxing, pain-relieving or healing qualities, so make sure and ask your massage therapist about what may work best for you. If you have any topical allergies, let your therapist know before they try any new oils during your next session.

Self-massage at home Your therapist may also be able to teach you some massage techniques you can use at home between treatments. While not as relaxing as having your therapist do the massage, the ability to perform simple massage techniques on yourself between treatments may help you achieve pain relief, as well as increase the circulation in both the area being massaged and in your hands.

Finding a therapist Licensed massage therapists will belong to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). If you go to their website www.amtamassage.org, you can access lists of therapists in your area.

About the Author

Robert C. Vignoli has been a massage therapist for over 10 years. He currently co-owns Roman Paradigm Massage, but now he is helping to improve the massage industry by building a "hands off" massage business model. MassageSpace.net is the new MySpace for Massage Therapist, learn more @ http://www.think-diagonal.com

Don't be afraid of menopause by Janet Martin

The menopause or change of life begins at different ages. A woman usually experiences this at age 50 but it may start as early as 30 or be delayed until the late fifties.

Heredity, living conditions, and childbearing all play a part in the menopause. Its arrival may be hastened by a bad environment and those who have never given birth. Early menopause may result from disease or the surgical removal of the ovaries.

This phase in a woman's life marks the end of her reproductive cycle. The monthly menstrual flow may stop suddenly or gradually. The first sign of menopause is irregular menstrual bleeding. Periods may be light one month and heavy the next until they eventually cease. Twelve months after the last period, a woman is no longer fertile.

Because of the change in hormone levels, a woman who has reached the menopause may experience other symptoms as well. These include hot flashes, a warm feeling in the chest moving to the face and neck followed by sweating which may last for 15 minutes.

Falling estrogen levels may cause itching, especially in the genitals, vaginal dryness, dizzy spells, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, lack of energy, abdominal bloatedness, digestive troubles, pain, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, breathlessness and palpitations.

Estrogen also influences the growth of the breast, uterus, vagina, muscles, and skin. Lack of this hormone can make one susceptible to circulatory diseases and loss of calcium from the bones.

Without estrogen, the skin becomes wrinkled, breasts flatten and droop, the womb and ovaries shrink, and the vagina becomes prone to infections. The risk of a heart attack and arthritis also increases.

Not all women, however, suffer during the menopause. Although they may age noticeably, most remain physically, mentally, and sexually active after the change of life. Some, in fact, welcome the menopause because it is the ideal time to have sex without the burden of pregnancy.

Most of the above conditions can be remedied with a doctor's help. Estrogen replacement therapy may be prescribed to ease the pain and discomfort of menopause. But this is usually done for a short period of time since estrogen use in postmenopausal women may cause breast tenderness, gastric upset, swelling of the ankles, and breast and uterine cancer.

A healthy woman need not fear the arrival of the menopause. For her, it may be marked simply by the end of the menstrual flow. But if she experiences any of the above symptoms, she should see a doctor.

“Get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days to protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and other conditions associated with aging. More vigorous exercise for longer periods may provide further benefit and is particularly important if you are trying to lose weight. Exercise can also help reduce stress,” according to the Mayo Clinic.

To help you lose weight, take Phenocal, a safe, natural, and effective weight loss supplement that boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, reduces food cravings, and increases energy levels to give you the body you want. Visit http://www.phenocal.com for more information.

About the Author

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com.

What triggers asthma? by Janet Martin

Asthma triggers are substances in the environment that trigger an asthma episode in the irritable airways of asthmatics. The list of triggers varies in different individuals and what causes asthma in one person may have no effect whatsoever in another.

The number of asthma triggers reads like a grocery list. Common ones include:

Substances that cause allergies (allergens) like house dust mites, pollens, molds, pet dander, and cockroach droppings.

Irritants in the air such as cigarette smoke, smoke from woodfires or charcoal grills, strong fumes or odors like household sprays, paint, gasoline, perfumes, and scented soaps. Although people are not actually allergic to these particles, the latter can aggravate inflamed, sensitive airways.

Respiratory infections like colds, flu, sore throats, and sinus infections. These are the most common triggers in children.

Exercise and other activities that make you breathe harder.

Weather, especially dry wind, cold air, or sudden changes in weather.

Expressing strong emotions like anger, fear or excitement. When you feel strong emotions, your breathing changes even if you don't have asthma. When a person with asthma laughs, yells, or cries hard, natural airway changes may cause wheezing or other asthma symptoms.

The above might make you believe that many things cause asthma. But don't worry. Triggers vary from person to person and not all asthmatics react to the same trigger.

Generally, for better control of asthma, identified asthma triggers should be avoided, except for exercise. Exercise has been found to improve general health and should be encouraged. Medications may be given prior to exercise to prevent asthma attacks.

To help you stay fit, take Phenocal, a safe, natural, and effective weight loss supplement that boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, reduces food cravings, and increases energy levels to give you the body you want. Visit http://www.phenocal.com for details.

About the Author

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com.

How to manage myomas by Janet Martin

Leiomyomas, myomas or uterine fibroids are common in women above 30, especially those who have never been pregnant. They are also known as fibroids, but this is a misleading term because myomas are made of muscle cells and not fibrous tissue.

“As many as three out of four women have uterine fibroids, but most are unaware of them because they often cause no symptoms. Your doctor may discover them incidentally during a pelvic exam or prenatal ultrasound,” according to the Mayo Clinic.

Although their exact cause is unknown, myomas appear to be influenced by the female hormone estrogen which is made in the ovaries, and the human growth hormone. These smooth muscle tumors shrink or disappear after menopause following a decrease in the body's estrogen production.

Symptoms include a heavy feeling in the abdomen, backache, constipation, frequent urination, pain, menorrhagia (excessive bleeding during menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful periods) and dyspareunia (difficult or painful intercourse). While myomas are often benign, they can cause trouble depending on their size, location and the patient's general health.

“In general, uterine fibroids cause no problems and seldom require treatment. Medical therapy and surgical procedures can shrink or remove fibroids if you have discomfort or troublesome symptoms. Rarely, fibroids can require emergency treatment if they cause sudden, sharp pelvic pain,” said the Mayo Clinic. However, if they are near the cervix, fibroids can make childbirth difficult and lead to hemorrhage or abortion. If they block the Fallopian tube, they can cause sterility.

A doctor's advice is needed to determine whether you can safely get pregnant if you have a uterine myoma. Small tumors can easily be removed, but large ones may require hysterectomy (the surgical removal of the uterus). In the latter, pregnancy is impossible.

“Research indicates that pregnant women with fibroids are at slightly increased risk of miscarriage, premature labor and delivery, abnormal fetal position, and separation of the placenta from the uterine wall. But not all studies confirm these associations. Furthermore, complications vary based on the number, size and location of fibroids. Multiple fibroids and large submucosal fibroids that distort the uterine cavity are the type most likely to cause problems. A more common complication of fibroids in pregnancy is localized pain, typically between the first and second trimesters. This is usually easily treated with pain relievers,” warned the Mayo Clinic.

To monitor tumor growth, a woman should have a pelvic examination every six to 12 months even though she doesn't have symptoms of the disease. A woman whose uterus is as big as a six-month normal uterus by the 16th week of pregnancy can usually get along without surgery. However, if the myoma grows to the size of a five-month uterus by the ninth week of pregnancy, fetal growth is affected and spontaneous abortion may occur.

Tumors which press against the Fallopian tube may cause ectopic pregnancy. But most myomas don't cause any trouble except the enlargement of the uterus. Consult a doctor about this.

Early research suggests that athletic women have a lower risk of fibroids but this has not been confirmed by other studies. Nevertheless, the benefits of exercise are well documented and it can ease backaches, tone muscles, and help pregnant women sleep better. To help you regain your figure after childbirth, take Phenocal, a safe, natural, and effective weight loss supplement that boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, reduces food cravings, and increases energy levels to give you the body you want. Visit http://www.phenocal.com for details.

About the Author

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com.

Six Tips To Better Nutritional Health by Riki Chon

As with so many things in life, people don't have time for proper nutrition. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is the cornerstone to a happy and longer life. Fast food and other snacks make it virtually impossible to achieve your goals when thinking of a healthy balanced diet. For women a healthy diet actually brings better reproduction and better fetal/infant health. It's not only you that depends upon your dieting, when you have children, your nutrition can make the difference between easy reproduction and healthy babies and fewer complications with the baby.

Here are six sensible tips for better nutritional health.

1. Begin With A Healthy Dieting Base

One of the most important parts of a healthy diet is a healthy base. Your food selections should be based on the nutritional pyramid. Select the suggested amount of different servings from the pyramid. Within your daily diet, include a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables. When deciding from these categories and fulfilling your hunger, the healthy way you will feel the effects in no time.

2. Cut Down Saturated Fat

In addition to building a healthy base, it is also important to pick out a diet that is moderate in fat. Only 30% of the calories in your daily diet should come from fats. When picking out food, also be sure to choose a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Cholesterol is the number one killer in women and men related to heart problems. Cholesterol is not only a problem for men as a lot of women believe; it affects women in the same way as it does men.

3. Cut Out The Sugar

Make your nutrition healthier by cutting out the sugar. Select foods that are low or moderate in sugar intake. Sugar is responsible for producing insulin and if you start off high sugar in the morning, your body will wants to keep that insulin level up and will call for sugar all day long. This will trap you into a cycle of consuming too much sugar. So first of all you are taking in too many calories and the production of sugar will tell your cells to stash away the sugar in the form of fat. As long as the insulin level is high, cells will not be programmed to loose fat and therefore loosing weight can better be managed by cutting back the sugar intake.

4. Reduce Sodium Intake

Improve your nourishment by reducing the sodium intake. Sodium in too big amount is not healthy for your body and many fast foods or boxed food contains way too much salt than you need for one or even two dinners. Salt and sodium are necessary for the body but in moderation. Salt is essential for a constant blood pressure, but too much or too little can screw up your blood pressure.

5. Take Alcohol In Moderation

Alcohol is another big problem in dieting. Alcohol in moderation, particularly red wine can be beneficial, but hard liquor and large amounts of alcohol are damaging to the human body.

6. Don't Forget To Exercise

Even with all these nutritional tips and suggestions, do not forget to exercise . Physical exercise belongs to a healthy lifestyle just as much as a balanced diet. And only a fit healthy body and exercise can help you loose weight, if you really want to loose weight that is.

Most individuals do know that they should have a healthy balanced diet to for 1) have a healthy body and 2) to set a good example for their children. Individuals that have a very healthy and well balanced diet as a whole are not overweight and can keep their weight under control very easily.


About the Author

For more health and fitness tips visit Anti-aging-Secrets and Healthy Weight Loss and to unlock the "secret code" to what makes your body age and stop the aging process, and learn How to Live Almost Live Forever!