Help to Quit Snoring by Mary Freeman

Snoring is essentially caused by the over relaxation of the soft tissue in the upper palate and while sleeping it may droop into the airway making it difficult to quit snoring. Because it is such a common problem, people are always looking for ways to quit snoring. Snoring can cause big problems in households and relationships as people try to get others to quit snoring so they can get some rest. Snoring soon becomes a major frustration for everyone involved, i.e those who snore and those who do not because everyone wants to try to find a way to help the snorer quit snoring. In order to increase your chances of successfully eliminating this annoying condition, you will need to determine the causes. When these potential causes are identified, it can be much easier to quit snoring, even if it does take a couple of trials, attempts, or investigations to figure out exactly what will work. If you want to quit snoring, there are many different things to try such as the following: Keeping a regular sleep schedule is important for people who want a way to quit snoring. Omitting naps from a person’s daily schedule is a potentially very helpful way to quit snoring. The correct sleeping position can help you quit snoring. Something as simple as sewing tennis balls into the back of a person’s pajamas is a way to quit snoring, as that person'' wouldn’t be able to comfortably rest on their back, which is not a recommended position for chronic snorers. Another tip to help you quit snoring is to tilt your head back a few inches while trying to sleep. Losing weight is one of the best ways to quit snoring simply because you will be attacking the problem at the root. When you lose weight, everything shrinks from the loss of fat. Your airway opens up further, which should help to reduce the snoring sound. Quitting smoking is a huge benefit to a person's overall health, and may offer significant benefit if done, as smoking creates phlegm which contributes to snoring. Another good way which would help to quit snoring would be to quit caffeine. Tonsillitis, breathing disorders, sinusitis, obesity, hay fever, and the common cold are other typical causes of snoring, so looking at ways to remedy any of these conditions could potentially help to quit snoring. Beer and hard liquor won’t help you quit snoring, it will actually make it worse. So try and reduce your consumption as much as possible. It is recommended not eat or drink alcohol for 3 hours before I go to bed, If you do this it will help your body focus on sleeping and less on digesting, which means it will help you quit snoring.

If your snoring continues to persist or worsen, there are sleep clinics around the country that can perform more systematic examinations and help determine the cause so you can quit snoring. So, act right away and consult your doctor(s) on how to quit snoring . Once the root cause of your snoring has been determined, you can begin to formulate a plan of attack. Are you tired of keeping your wife or family up at night with your constant snoring, are you feeling tired during the day, or have you been waking up at night due to snoring-related suffocation? If you are ready to get you normal life back Click Here!

About the Author

Mary Freeman is an accomplished Author who writes articles on Natural and Home Remedies. To access her remedy website, please visit

Laughter Is Good For What Ails You. by David G. Hallstrom, Sr.

When I was a kid I used to read readers Digest and one section I always think of was "Laughter is the best medicine". As I have gotten older I have come to realize that laughter may not be the best medicine but it sure is good medicine for what ails you. It's hard to be sad, depressed, stressed out or anxious when you are laughing. Laughter can sometimes even make you forget about physical pain.

Laughter may not actually cure stress, depression, anxiousness, sadness or pain but it can sure help decrease stress, lighten depression, ease anxiety, mitigate pain and lessen sadness. Many medical researchers say that people who laugh often live longer lives.

Laughing is not hard, in fact it's easy. Read some jokes, learn and tell some jokes, watch some comedy acts on television, go to a comedy club or have a friend tell you some jokes. Eventually you'll find some jokes, humor or satirical stories that will appeal to you and before you know it you will find yourself laughing.

When my wife gets depressed I read some jokes, learn them and then retell them to her. Pretty soon her mood starts to lighten and her depression either lessens or goes away all together. When I get sad or frustrated I start reading jokes and quickly I start to feel that whatever is making me sad or frustrated isn't so bad and my mood improves immensely.

Go ahead, read or listen to some jokes and turn on the laughter. You'll be surprised how much better you will feel.

Copyright 2008 The Joke Index

About the Author

By: David G. Hallstrom, Sr. This article was written for the Joke Index, a portal to blogs and websites dedicated to Funny jokes, humor, humorous anecdotes, satire and stories and first published in the Stress Management blog from Resources For Attorneys.

Protect Your Skin: Your Body's First Line of Defense by Bryan Sullivan

Looking at your body's largest organ does not require medical imaging - it is visible to those around you at all times . . . it's your skin! The natural effects of chronological aging, along with environmental exposure, damage your skin over time.

What you see in the mirror every day has an impact on how you feel. Odds are that the better your skin looks and feels, the better you feel. While no one can turn back the clock and prevent the normal aging process, there are certainly steps you can take to protect your skin from premature aging, and to keep it looking and feeling healthy.

Preserving Healthy Skin: What You Can Control

When it comes to keeping your skin young, there are factors beyond your control. Normal aging causes biochemical changes in the collagen and elastin levels in our skin. These changes can lead to decreased volume and loss of firmness. Skin sags and wrinkles form; the texture of skin loses some of its softness. No two people's skin ages at the exact same rate.

Chronic or excessive sun exposure causes skin to become damaged much sooner than it would otherwise. Exposure to UV light causes fine and course wrinkles, redness, and can give skin a leathery, rough texture. This process interacts with natural, chronological aging and appears to hasten the aging process, leaving your skin looking older than it actually is. What can you do to prevent this extensive damage?

When you know your skin will be exposed to the sun, wear an SPF of 15 or higher and wear a hat with a brim. Cover your arms and legs when possible, and limit exposure to the sun during the hours between 10 a.m. and Do not deliberately sunbathe outdoors or at a tanning salon. These measures can benefit your skin even if it already suffers from sun damage. If you smoke cigarettes, quitting will benefit your skin in addition to your overall health and well being. Smoking exacerbates skin damage due to the biochemical changes that it causes.

Natural Health: Take that Extra Step for your Skin through Home Spa Treatments

In addition to limiting sun exposure and avoiding cigarette smoking, your at-home skin care regimen can benefit your skin. There are several types of products available and it can be difficult to sort the best products from the rest. L'Athene is a unique skin care line designed not by skin care/cosmetic experts, but by two nurses with experience treating patients with burns and severe dermatological conditions.

Nan Brown and Lil Bogdan have used their first-hand knowledge of how skin heals to create an all-natural skin care line free of man-made chemicals. They have consulted other experts, including nutritionists, organic chemists, and aromatherapists in helping to create a product that is both effective and appealing to the senses. Tom Maroney, CEO of Banner Therapy, applauds the emergence of a skin care line designed by health care professionals. "The ingredients in these products have been hand selected by nurses who have been on the front lines of skin care, and who have done their homework in terms of what skin needs, and what it doesn't need."

The ladies cite growing consumer concern over harsh chemicals that are routinely used in many cosmetic and skin care lines. They saw a need to provide a line of products that contain the best that nature has to offer our skin, and their products contain such skin-nourishing natural ingredients as proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fruit acids, healing herbs and essential oils.

Alpha-hydroxy acids have become well known for their beneficial properties; they can help with fine lines, irregular pigmentation, age spots, and can help decrease the appearance of enlarged pores. L'Athene offers several products for the face containing the AHA glycolic acid. The line also includes body treatments and products designed for dry skin, redness and inflammation. There are steps you can take to protect your skin and minimize environmental damage. Treat your skin well, and it will return the favor.

About the Author

Bryan Sullivan, Vice President, Write Away, Inc., specializes in financial, travel, medical, agricultural, and food and beverage writing. He lives in Weaverville, NC. Visit or email for more information.

How to Pay Less for Term Life Insurance by Losing Weight by Sharon Taylor

For some, losing weight is pure vanity. Some people make a decision to look better and feel better. For others, losing weight is a health issue. Many people fail to associate term life insurance quotes with weight and obesity. Some find themselves with high life insurance rates, but are unsure why they are high. If you have a clean driving record and don’t drink alcohol, it may be confusing why your rates may be higher than others. There is hope, however, for those who are overweight. Losing weight can actually lower your term life insurance quotes.

Why Does Weight Affect Term Life Insurance Quotes?

Term life insurance quotes are based on several factors and the weight of an applicant is one of the factors. In America, weight has never been scrutinized as much as it is now. People are slowly beginning to realize the incredibly negative affect that being overweight can have on the human body. Heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases and illnesses are being connected to obesity. This is unfortunate for Americans. We’ve become the most obese nation in the world. The percentage of people who are obese is rapidly rising in America. There are over 120 Million Americans who are considered overweight. Over 8 million Americans are considered obese. This means that they are putting themselves in direct danger due to their weight.

Because life insurance companies factor in health when providing term life insurance quotes and rates, it’s easy to see why the premiums fluctuate with weight. Term life insurance companies want their clients living a long and healthy life, which reduces the percentage possibility that the company will have to pay out because of death. Because weight effects health and therefore affects life span, weight can be seen as a danger.

Unlike alcohol consumption and smoking, it’s very easy for term life insurance companies to understand the client’s weight, and draw some health conclusions from that. Doctors have come up with “healthy” weights for individuals by looking at their age, sex, and height. They can understand what a “healthy weight” is for that specific individual. This does not mean that anyone applying for life insurance should be stick skinny. This simply means that they need to have a healthy weight for their body. If someone is over their healthy weight by 20-30 pounds, life insurance companies begin to take notice, and may be reflected on your term life insurance quotes.

How Can Losing Weight Lower My Term Life Insurance Quotes and Rates?

Losing weight can do wonders for your term life insurance quotes and rates. There is one tip when applying for term life insurance you should be aware of. You cannot be forced to take a new medical exam once you have completed the mandatory one. What you can do, however, is request a new medical exam at any time, and as often as you want. For those who already have policies, this can be beneficial. If you’ve lost enough weight, you may be within the healthy weight threshold, and have your rates adjusted. Some companies offer incentives and benefits for losing the weight. Because of this, losing weight can actually save you money. Having weight issues can be stressful on both your mind and your body. Unfortunately, the health risks associated with having a weight that is not considered healthy are enough to cause changes in term life insurance quotes and rates. Taking control of your weight, and body can help save you money and improve your health.

About the Author

Sharon Taylor writes articles for eQUOTE Life Insurance. eQUOTE is a leading Internet life insurance company providing families with no-obligation term life insurance quotes, no medical term life insurance and other helpful family insurance resources since 1999.

Bursitis Pain - Do You Want Helpful Answers for Bursitis Sufferers? by Deanna Mascle

Bursitis is an ailment that afflicts people of all ages. It is not only a problem for older people, but young people can suffer from bursitis if they do not take proper precautions. The pain mimics that of arthritis, but the symptoms and causes of bursitis are quite different. We would like to address some of your questions and concerns regarding this potentially debilitating ailment and explain some ways to deal with it.

What exactly is bursitis?

Bursitis is a form of arthritis in which the joints of the body become inflamed. In each joint, there is a bursa sac that is filled with fluid. This fluid-filled sac is what helps your joints move freely without pain. It basically prevents your bones and muscles from rubbing against each other when they move. Bursitis occurs when one of the bursa sacs become inflamed. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as repetitive movements or a sudden injury. When the bursa sac becomes inflamed, it no longer provides the protection in your joints and, as a result, you feel pain in that joint every time you move it.

What is the difference between acute bursitis and chronic bursitis?

Acute bursitis is generally the result of the joints doing repetitive movements over a long period of time. Acute bursitis can creep up on your and can last for only a few days to a few weeks. Many times, you will have good days with acute bursitis when it does not cause any pain at all whereas other days it will be extremely painful to move your joints. With chronic bursitis, on the other hand, the pain is unrelenting for days or even months. Most times, the pain will last until you receive some type of treatment for it. Chronic bursitis can also be the result of repetitive movements or as the result of a traumatic injury to a joint.

What is traumatic bursitis?

Traumatic bursitis occurs as the result of an injury to a joint. The majority of cases of bursitis occur as the result of repetitive movements for a long period of time. Traumatic bursitis, on the other hand, can happen suddenly when you injure a joint as the result of falling on it or if it gets hit with an object. . If it causes the bursa sac in your joint to become inflamed, you have acquired traumatic bursitis. It can be treated with a variety of methods, but your doctor will have the best options available for your particular case.

What are some common symptoms of bursitis?

Symptoms of bursitis usually consist of pain in the affected joint area as well as swelling and stiffness. The pain will often prevent you from moving the joint freely and the area will also feel tender, meaning that you'll feel pain when somebody touches it. You might also notice some redness and warmth in the affected joint area. Bursitis will also cause you to have more pain in the area the more you try to continue the activity that caused it in the first place. Oftentimes, bursitis symptoms are at their worst during the night and early morning after you just get out of bed.

What are some other treatments I might need for my bursitis?

If you have a chronic case of bursitis, your doctor may suggest surgery to relieve your pain. Surgery for your bursitis can have several options. It might be as simple as going into the specific joint and removing the fluid from the bursa sac that is causing your joint to be inflamed. For more serious cases, you might need a joint replacement. This is reserved for the most serious cases. Until you get relief from the inflammation, you can also take pain relievers in combination with anti-inflammatory medications as a short-term solution.

About the Author

Learn more about treatment bursitis pain at

Chondroitin Sulfate is a Mucopolysaccharide that can Boost Cartilage, Tendon and ligament Health by Darrell Miller

Chemically, chondroitin sulfate is a glucosaminoglycan, with alternating n-acetylgalactosamine and glucuronic acid units in the chain. However, there are a large number of combinations, and it is not economically viable to attempt to separate these and there has been no evidence that it is necessary.

Because the chondroitin chain can be composed of more than a hundred different sugars that can be sulfated to various degrees and in different positions, then it is easy to understand how chondroitin sulfate is not an individual chemical entity. Nevertheless, it is regarded as such, and there is no need to separate the various possible combinations since its effect on osteoarthritis appears to remain constant and therefore not be dependent on any specific chemical composition.

The substance can be extracted from shark cartilage, of which it is a major component, and also from the trachea and cartilage of cattle and fowl. It is also possible to manufacture the substance synthetically. It is a very important part in the structure of cartilage and is responsible for much of the resistance of cartilage to compression. Chondroitin together with glucosamine is widely used as a dietary supplement by those suffering from osteoarthritis.

There are two types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and they are completely different types of condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the immune system attacking the joints. In fact it is a systemic condition that also affects the blood vessels, the heart and other parts of the body, but it is in the joints that the effects are most noticeable. It is an inflammatory condition, predominantly treated with anti-inflammatories, and chondroitin and glucosamine have no effect in its treatment.

Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, can have inflammatory components, especially when the bone becomes eroded, but that is not cause of the condition. It is caused by wear tear, and is frequently seen in athletes or those that have excess pressure consistently placed on their joints such as blacksmiths and other used to handling heavy weights. The cartilage becomes worn and thin, and eventually they lose their protection and shock absorbance properties that protect the bones in the joint concerned.

Eventually the bones start to abrade, and the synovial fluid that lubricates the joint breaks down and loses its lubricant properties. This can cause inflammation and swelling, and eventually the condition becomes so painful that in extreme conditions the joint can seize up completely.

The use of chondroitin in osteoarthritis has been studies since the 1980s, most reporting positive results in respect of alleviation of pain, improved mobility and a reduction in the need for anti-inflammatories. The chondroitin can help to repair the cartilage and reduce pain, particularly with those that suffer moderate to severe pain levels. This is particularly the case in osteoarthritis of the knee or the hip.

The benefits it appears to provide in addition to a reduction in pain levels include improved functionality, and making walking a bit easier. Chondroitin treatment also reduces stiffness in the joint, helps to get the swelling down and the results appear to continue for about three months after stopping treatment.

Although there has been some discussion on the oral bioavailability of such a large molecule as chondroitin sulfate, the bulk of the evidence is that it can be absorbed orally and be bioavailable up to just over 20% of the dose. It therefore makes sense to take a larger dose, and doses of 3,000 mg, or three grams, are not unusual, and also do no harm. Tracer studies have shown that a high proportion of chondroitin ingested is found in the cartilage and in the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints.

So how does chondroitin sulfate work to effect these improvements? There has been a lot of work carried out to find this out, and it appears that there are a number of factors involved.

First are the anti-inflammatory properties, that help to reduce inflammation and the resultant pain that it causes. However, it also stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid which is a component of the synovial fluid. This acts as a lubricant for the joints and also as a shock absorber, especially in the knee and hip joints. Hyaluronic acid can be injected directly into the joint, but is far more effective when its biosynthesis is given a jolt by Chondroitin.

Collagens are the main forms of connective tissue in your joints, that help to form the tendons, cartilage and so on, and there is a form of collagen that are also proteoglycans. In rheumatoid arthritis collagen and the connective tissues can be can be attacked and inflamed by the immune system, but in osteoarthritis, chondroitin sulfate can help to strengthen and repair damaged cartilage and connective tissue by glycosylating those specific proteoglycans to form collagen.

Articular cartilage is the form of cartilage that covers the surface of joints that allow movement, such as the knee and hip joints. Chondrocytes are the cells from which cartilage is made, and their death destroys articular cartilage and so causes osteoarthritis. There are substances that can and do destroy these cells, including nitric oxide and proteolytic enzymes. Chondroitin sulfate inhibits the formation of these substances in the body, and not only helps to prevent arthritis occurring, but also help to repair the damage that has been done by these substances on the cartilage.

These are three of the major ways in which chondroitin sulfate is believed to work in order to reduce the incidence of osteoarthritis and also to repair the damage that it causes. Chondroitin sulfate is believed to be a natural component of joint tissue, which is why it is believed to work when introduced to diseased joints. However, recent studies have indicated another two ways in which the supplement could work in your joints.

However, these involve concepts such as subchondral bone, the bone immediately under the cartilage that protects it and also transcription factors, both of which are beyond the scope of this article. However, it is encouraging that new evidence and explanations of how this previously maligned supplement operate to alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Chondroitin sulfate can promote the health of connective tissue such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments, and the way in which it works is now being scientifically established. It can be used with confidence by anybody suffering from this form of arthritis.

About the Author

More information on Chondroitin Sulfate is available at VitaNet ®, LLC Health Food Store.

Breast Actives - Breast Actives Scam Investigation by Karina Sinclair

The Breast Actives supplement is one of a few natural breast enhancement options for women who would like a fuller cleavage without having to have breast surgery.

Breast Actives is a highly regarded natural bust enhancement choice on the market today. The website makes some bold promises and following this I took it upon myself to thoroughly investigate the truthfulness of these bust enlargement claims and whether Breast Actives is a scam.

I hate being scammed by claims that just are fake. I for one work too hard for my money to risk spending it on anything that doesn't live up to its promises.

I immediately spent several hours investigating the Breast Actives website and comparing independent trials and reports of users who have tried this natural bust enlargement program. At first, I was actually quite impressed by the website and even more impressed with some of the benefits that this bust enhancement product appears to offer.

Nevertheless, I was still really skeptical about the product. I thought, professional looking website, will sell well.

Then I began looking at results that Breast Actives users have enjoyed. Rather than users slamming the product they were actively singing its praises.

This Is What My Research Uncovered

Hormones play a big part in breast appearance. An imbalance of any kind can resort to sagging. Pregnancy and also age play a part in affecting overall breast appearance.

In order to get larger breast that doesn't droop some hormonal help is necessary. This is where Breast Actives comes in.

How Breast Actives Works

This program includes a supplement and also a natural bust cream which both work in unison to make breasts bigger. This occurs by tricking the body, through the natural ingredients in these products, into creating the same hormonal conditions that allow the breast tissue to grow - as occurs during puberty and pregnancy.

Is It Safe?

My investigation found that every herb found in this supplement and cream are totally safe. In fact, they've been in common use for centuries and are all listed on the FDA's list of safe foods.

Does It Interact With Other Medications?

This herbal formulation has not reacted with other medication.

Unconditional Guarantee

The Breast Actives manufacturer stands by its product completely by offering a unconditional money back guarantee.

The Results You Can Expect With Breast Actives

I was initially under the mistaken belief that results would be little. However, that belief has no clear foundation. In fact, women can expect to see results in your initial 30 days. Not only that, women can expect an increase of 1-3 cup sizes with this product.

About the Author

Get 2 Bottles Of Breast Actives FREE. For a limited time if you order a four month supply of Breast Actives you will receive 2 months free. To take full advantage of this Breast Actives special offer now visit

Glaucoma Information by Mike Holsworth

Glaucoma is a family of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve and result in vision loss and in most extreme cases, blindness. Glaucoma occurs when the normal fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly begins to rise. However, with early diagnosis, you can often treat your eyes and guard them from serious vision loss.

What is the optic nerve? The optic nerve is a bundle of more than 1 million nerve endings. It connects the retina to the brain. (See diagram below.) The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. A healthy optic nerve is necessary for good vision.

What are some other forms of glaucoma? Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form. Some people have other types of the disease.

Low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma. Optic nerve damage and narrowed side vision occur in people with normal eye pressure. Lowering eye pressure at least 30 percent through medicines slows the disease in some people. Glaucoma may worsen in others despite low pressures.

A comprehensive medical history is important in identifying other potential risk factors, such as low blood pressure, that contribute to low-tension glaucoma. If no risk factors are identified, the treatment options for low-tension glaucoma are the same as for open-angle glaucoma.

Angle-closure glaucoma. The fluid at the front of the eye cannot reach the angle and leave the eye. The angle gets blocked by part of the iris. People with this type of glaucoma have a sudden increase in eye pressure. Symptoms include severe pain and nausea, as well as redness of the eye and blurred vision. If you have these symptoms, you need to seek treatment immediately.

This is a medical emergency. If your doctor is unavailable, go to the nearest hospital or clinic. Without treatment to improve the flow of fluid, the eye can become blind in as few as one or two days. Usually, prompt laser surgery and medicines can clear the blockage and protect sight.

Congenital glaucoma. Children are born with a defect in the angle of the eye that slows the normal drainage of fluid. These children usually have obvious symptoms, such as cloudy eyes, sensitivity to light, and excessive tearing. Conventional surgery typically is the suggested treatment, because medicines may have unknown effects in infants and be difficult to administer. Surgery is safe and effective. If surgery is done promptly, these children usually have an excellent chance of having good vision.

Secondary glaucomas. These can develop as complications of other medical conditions. These types of glaucomas are sometimes associated with eye surgery or advanced cataracts, eye injuries, certain eye tumors, or uveitis (eye inflammation). Pigmentary glaucoma occurs when pigment from the iris flakes off and blocks the meshwork, slowing fluid drainage. A severe form, called neovascular glaucoma, is linked to diabetes. Corticosteroid drugs used to treat eye inflammations and other diseases can trigger glaucoma in some people. Treatment include but are not limited to medicines, laser surgery, or conventional surgery.

About the Author

Mike Holsworth owns an eye disorder and disease site,
For more information regarding Glaucoma, see Glaucoma Treatment

I'm Cancer FREE and so can You be by Hope

Doctors are not the miracle workers we hold them up to be. They are absolutely wonderful in the fact they can fix broken limbs, operate when it is necessary. I had surgery with my breast cancer, then I went through chemo, then radiation. If I knew then what I know now, I would still have a functioning beautiful breast. I would have had the surgery, but I would never have opted for the chemo or radiation. Through the hundreds and hundreds of hours of research, I have found so much information and testimonies of how to treat myself. I would like to share that knowledge with the world. If you visit my blog, you can click on the sites, read the information for yourself. Then make the decision!! Do I truly want more out of my life. I do have the willpower to change my lifestyle and eating habits. The first thing you need to do is take note, yes I said take note of who you are and what you eat. In this fast paced world we live in, its convenience. Microwave it. Stick it in the oven quickies, pre-cooked heat up eat and go. Of all the things we do in this world we should Make sure we wear good supportive shoes, and make sure we eat properly. We truly are what we eat. I will show you steps to clean your system, how to eat to keep it that way. We cannot expect to keep the temples God has given us if we continually abuse it with convenience and fast processed foods. I bet if you own a vehicle and it needs premium gas to run properly, to get the best mileage, and to extend the life of your vehicle, you will spend the extra money so your motor won't knock. Why should you do any thing different with your own body. We are what we eat. Say that with me (I am what I eat, I am what I eat, I am what I eat) If you don't at the present time have any physical problems, now is the time to start treating yourself like you are important. Remember there is only one of you. You are unique in every way. I would like to help you be better inside and out. Just visit my Blog at Then I can begin to share with you my knowledge. Please make a comment if you like. If you leave your email, I will be more than happy to email you also. There is no better time than now to begin to live, and feel good inside and out. Don't wait until its too late. God Bless you, Hope

About the Author

I was so wound up in my children, a divorce, my business, and stress was at the limit. Next think I know I am diagnosed with cancer. What next. The fighter that I am, I have fought and won. You can to. I always say my glass is half full, actually full, at times I spill over. Let me spill a little on you too!!!

A Mattress Topper for a More Relaxing Sleep by Brad Brubaker

Body aches and pains along with an itching body could cause a person to toss and turn and fail to sleep properly. Insomnia and sleep apnea are other problems that cause sleeping difficulty. Although the mentioned causes of sleep disorders are best treated by medical practitioners, you can do something about it to without the use of medication.

One of the latest inventions that answered the sleep problem is the adjustable bed. Media hype catapulted this technological innovation to the place where it is right now...on top of the list of comfortable sleeping implements.

Not to be left on the wayside, you have probably chosen and bought your very own adjustable bed. For you, this is the answer in your quest to say goodbye to sleeping disorders that have made you feel exhausted every single day of your life. So you are now set and ready for a deep and long hour sleep that you have wanted for so long. Unfortunately, you seem to be a hard core member of the "stay awake club".

If your sleeping disorder is rooted from using an ordinary mattress that does not offer greater support to the back, neck arms and legs, then a solution to this problem is available for you...the memory foam mattress topper.

A memory foam mattress topper will improve the overall quality of your sleep as these toppers make firm beds more comfortable. These toppers follow the contours of the body and provide a gentle cushioning effect to ensure maximum comfort throughout the night. Pressure on the joints of your arms and hips are created when a person sleeps on his side. Think of the pain it inflicts when you sleep on that same position for hours.

These pressures will be eased with the use of mattress toppers as they act as cushions for those joints. If you sleep on your back these toppers would also provide the spine with the best support.

The mattress topper's most unique feature is the way it deforms when under a load. It conforms to the shape of your body and "mold" you a perfect fit bed. Any Standard or ordinary foam mattress would compress under load and shortly spring back to its original form when the load is removed. With the memory foam mattress toppers, the shape is held temporarily because of its density. This density would account for the support it gives to the body of the user.

This mattress topper would make your adjustable bed more comfortable. However, this is only possible if the bed is firm, when it is used on top of a very soft bed, it will result to a more uncomfortable sleeping experience. Another characteristic that makes Memory foam the ultimate mattress topper is the ability to soften on contact with a warm body. This would therefore "cradle" the user and provide unparalleled bed comfort.

About the Author offers a wide variety of adjustable beds and is your number one stop for adjustable bed accessories.

The Immune Boosters That Work by Sandy Powers

Every day our bodies are attacked by toxins, viruses, bacteria, and carcinogens that weaken our immune system and make us more vulnerable to disease. To top it all off, this year's flu vaccine is not protecting us against the new strain of flu virus. How do we strengthen our immune system to remain a strong defense against these invaders that can make us sick, or worse? We turn to immune boosting foods, preferably organic.

The nutrients shown to be immune boosters are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Zinc, Selenium, Garlic, Onion, and Protein. Don't rush out to buy vitamin and mineral multiple supplements. It is far safer and healthier to gain boosters through organic food. In fact, overloading on Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium can be detrimental to your health by actually working against your immune system. It may seem like a daunting task to get all these immune boosters through food choices, but it really isn't. Merely eating healthy will fulfill the need: salads, fruits, cereals, nuts, meat or bean dishes cooked with garlic and onion. The only immune booster your body will not store is Vitamin C. Foods rich in Vitamin C must be taken daily.

For Vitamin A, eat carrots, sweet potatoes, and red bell peppers. For Vitamin C, drink orange juice, eat strawberries, and broccoli. For Vitamin E, eat beans and whole grains. For Zinc, eat whole grain cereals and chickpeas. For Selenium, eat Brazil nuts and seafood. For Protein, eat meat, walnuts, and beans. For Vitamin D, fortified milk, or 30 minutes a day outside without sunscreen. Cook with the garlic and onion.

Now, let me say a word about supplements. Multiple supplements are the culprits in overdosing, yet, there are single supplements that do work in concert with your immune system. Take these three supplements along with your food choices: 250 milligrams of Vitamin C daily, 400 IU of Vitamin D daily, and, especially for women, 600milligrams of calcium daily.

And there you have it. Along with drinking plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, you immune system will be up and running, ready to attack whatever is lurking in your body to make you sick.

About the Author

A breast cancer survivor who also battled liver problems, Sandy Powers shares her recipes rich in antioxidants and immune boosters in her book, "Organic for Health." Visit Sandy at

Facial Balancing through Surgical Implants by Dr Barry Eppley

In the pursuit of improved facial balance and shape, the use of solid facial implants is a simple and proven method. While there are facial implants made from different materials that can be used, the use of solid silicone (rubber) chin, cheek, nose and jaw implants are by far the most commonly used. They are soft, flexible, and slide easily into place on top of facial bones. These type of facial implants are placed deep to the skin down at the bone level. Since they are solid, not gel-filled, there is no risk of implant leakage or breaking. All facial implants can be inserted through very discrete incisions that often leave no visible scars on the face. While any implant (foreign-body) has some risk of infection, facial implants infection is quite uncommon.

Enhancing the chin with an implant is the most commonly performed facial implant procedure. With a small incision under the chin, a chin implant can be easily put into place, bringing the chin forward so that it is in balance to the nose and lips. Unlike the old style 'button' chin implant, there are many different styles of chin implants today. A wide variety of chin implant styles are available to custom tailor and adjust most people's faces. Usually the chin implant is sutured into place, a metal screw can be driven through the implant to the bone. The way to ensure that chin implants don't move from their location on the bone is to secure it with a screw. Chin implants are often used in combination with nose surgery, liposuction of the neck, or face tightening procedures of the jowls and neckline.

Cheek implants also have a variety of styles, allowing fullness to be gained over the prominence of the cheekbone, filling out the hollow underneath the cheekbone, or allowing more fullness to be gained up to the side of the nose. By going through the mouth under the upper lip, there is no facial scarring. Building up flat cheeks, camouflaging a prominent nose, or adding fullness to the midface in HIV disease can be done with cheek implants. Securing the cheek implant into place is of particular importance as they are the most prone of any facial implant to moving out of place after surgery.

Jawline implants are relatively new. Making a man's face more square and amsculine is done with jaw angle implants and is also used when there is facial asymmetry caused by the jaw developing differently between the two sides of the face. While swelling and recovery exists with all facial implant procedures, jaw angle implants has the greatest amount of recovery due to being placed under the chewing muscles. Opening the mouth can be sore for a few weeks after surgery.

In some cases, the use of different implants in the same patient, such as a chin and jaw angle implants in a male, can provide dramatic changes in one's facial appearance. Facial implants are a powerful tool, that is simple and usually uncomplicated, to achieve better facial balance and harmony.

About the Author

Dr Barry Eppley, plastic surgery of Indianapolis, has two medspa practice locations at Clarian Health. To learn more about the latest trends in plastic surgery, spa therapies, or medical skin care, go to his daily blog, .

Acne Free in 3 days by Yosi Beniun

To be acne free in 3 days is a big wish of many these days. Anyhow, there are steps which you can take to significantly reduce your acne in three days and almost achieve total freedom from acne in a few weeks. The e-book signed by Chris Gibson has been used a lot in the acne community on the internet. Although a few people didn’t like it, there were others who have successfully benefited through the e-book. The acne free in 3 days tips included in the e-book surely make sense as the methods that are used in acne free in 3 days are pretty simple and are practical for maximum number of acne patient.

Acne free in 3 days basically suggests that you should take a special detox cure for three days. During this cure process, you should apply a certain topical product which helps you get rid of the toxins in your body much faster. The acne free in 3 days is also short and the information is laid out in a clear manner and hence, you can avoid wasting time on reading and learning about the process. However, the downside of this process is that it does not go very deep and although this process works, people will not believe it unless they try the process. The acne free in 3 days is a fair and decent book which offers you a lot of information in fighting acne. If you just want to get rid of those embarrassing acne pimples on your face, then you should really try out the process that is mentioned in the acne free in 3 days book.

About the Author

I am one who also suffered from acne. I tried using acne free in 3 days to cure my acne, and had a small success using the techniques entailed in the book. Hence, I wrote this acne free in 3 days review. For more acne treatments

Want Stretch Marks Gone By Spring Break? by Monica Cameron

Planning to cover up those old stretch marks once again for this year’s spring break trip to warmer places? You don’t really have to. There are two sure-fire ways to remove those marks in time for your vacation: getting a tummy tuck and using Trilastin SR lotion.

A tummy tuck can be done by a licensed plastic surgeon at a hospital or surgery center, and is the most popular procedure performed for stretch mark treatment.

However, you do need to realize that this surgery is invasive and requires a great deal of recovery time so you will need to have it done soon if you want to be recovered enough to enjoy your upcoming vacation. This procedure also only works on stretch marks below your belly button.

People who like this stretch mark removal option best like the comfort of knowing that they are under the care of a doctor who will see them through the entire process.

Your other option is to try Trilastin Sr, a stretch treatment option that many people find much easier to afford and less risky. Even if your scars have been there for years, many people find great success. In fact, most people will begin to see results in as little as a few days of use which will give you plenty of time before you will need to put on that swimsuit.

It also does not matter where your scars are on your skin. Trilastin can be used on the upper stomach, breasts, arms, legs or wherever your stretch marks are...not just below your navel.

People who like this stretch mark removal option best like that it costs less than a tummy tuck and can be done at home without needing to plan for recovery time.

No matter which method you prefer, there is still time to have that bathing-suit-ready body in time for spring break fun!

About the Author

Monica Cameron writes products reviews for several online publications and ezines. For more information please see

How To Get Rid Of Yeast Infections- Learn Hou You Can Permanently Cure Your Yeast Infection by casey gentles

Yeast infection is one of the most devastating and annoying infection that harms more than 75% of all females.

What is a vaginal yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is irritation of the vagina and the area around the vagina, called the vulva. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus or yeast Candida. Yeast normally live in the vagina in small numbers, but when the bacteria in the vagina become out of balance, too many yeast grow and cause an infection.

Vaginal yeast infections are very common. About 75 percent of women have a yeast infection during their lives. And almost half of women have two or more yeast infections. What are the signs of a vaginal yeast infection?

The most common symptom of a yeast infection is extreme itchiness in and around the vagina. Other symptoms include:

* Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the area around it

* Pain when urinating

* Pain or discomfort during sex

* A thick, white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese and may or may not not have a bad smell

You may only have a few of these symptoms and they may be mild or severe.

If you are looking for an FAST, Safe, Effective and All-Natural Cure for Yeast Infection, then this is likely the most important report you will ever read.

1....There are VERY FEW All-Natural treatments for yeast infection that are safe and effective.

2....And there are HUNDREDS of dangerous drugs and internet remedies.

Be Warned; there is some Good and some Very Bad advice on the Internet. Some internet remedies recommend using Boric acid. This toxic substance is a poison and has caused deaths. It has no place in anyone's home much less inside you!

Ask Yourself These Questions

Do you want to Cure your yeast infection ? Do you want to know Why you Keep getting yeast infections? Do you want to Stop Painful Infections that always seem to happen at the worst possible time! Do you wonder "could I have a yeast infection" ? Do you wonder if you could have a chronic yeast infection? Do you want to stop the burning, nonstop itching, painful urination or vaginal discharge? Did you used to feel healthy, and want to regain that feeling again? Do you have rashes, on your skin, penis, or on your hands? Do you ever find you just seem to lack energy and can't explain why? Do you ever have unusual symptoms that you can't explain? Do you ever have problems with your appetite or food cravings? Do you ever...... "Just not feel like yourself"......And can't explain why? CClick Here If you want answers to All these questions and much more on how You can permanently cure your yeast infection .!!

About the Author

Casey Gentles is a Professional Health Administrator who is an expertise in the field of bacteriology and fungal and viral infections. To learn more about some facts of yeast infection and how you can permanently cure your yeast infection Click Here!

Asthma Got You Entirely Choked Up? Control Attacks Using Hypnotherapy As A Treatment by Alan Densky

Allergies are one of the most universal medical problems affecting Americans today. An allergic reaction is an immune system response to a stimulus from our environment. The body incorrectly looks upon the stimulus as harmful, and attempts to attack it, causing the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The most common symptoms are a running or itching nose, coughing, wheezing and irritated eyes.

One very prevalent type of allergy is asthma. It is a chronic allergy that directly affects the lungs and air passageways in the body. The air passageways are easily irritated by allergens and a thick lining of mucus builds up. Allergens and other stimuli can trigger an asthma attack, including temperature variations, humidity changes, smoke and pollen. Normally, an asthma attack consists of a number of respiratory symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing. Another symptom of asthma is shortness of breath.

Symptoms of an attack are caused by the airways reacting to the allergen or trigger. When exposed to a trigger, the air passages become irritated and contract, resulting in the respiratory symptoms. These symptoms can range from moderate to life threatening, depending on the severity of the allergy. Any asthma symptom can be terrible, and should be taken seriously.

Asthma is generally diagnosed in childhood, as symptoms tend to manifest by the age of 5. Presently, it affects around ten to twelve percent of all children, and has been steadily growing. There is no definitive known reason for the growth, but risk factors include exposure to cigarette smoke, other allergies and a history of other respiratory infections. In addition, the odds of being diagnosed are augmented in males and African Americans.

At present, there are several different types of asthma medications and treatments that can effectively diminish symptoms. Two major types of asthma medication are fast-acting medicine to treat symptoms during an asthma attack, and preventing medicine, which is taken on a regular basis to reduce the chance of having an attack. Short-acting Beta-2 Antagonists (SABAs) are bronchodilators, which is a type of fast acting medicine that assists in opening air passages and alleviating the symptoms of an asthma attack, and are generally administered through asthma inhalators. This type of medicine does not treat the inflammation that causes an attack, but is good when taken during an asthma attack, and will last for 3 - 6 hours after it is administered.

Controlling asthma medicine is taken on a regular basis and treats the underlying causes of the asthma attacks. The most familiar types of this medicine are asthma inhalers containing a steroid that reduces inflammation in the airways and lungs and Long-Acting Beta-2 Antagonists (LABAs). The results of long-acting asthma inhalers generally last for twelve hours, and can help reduce the number of attacks that occur during sleep. A lot of medications have very harmful side effects for some people.

Several types of asthma treatment alternative therapies are presently getting more popular. A few alternative approaches concentrate solely on preventative care, such as not smoking during pregnancy or around babies, incorporating a selenium-rich diet or eliminating sources of allergens in the home. Some other modalities include loosing weight, increasing Omega-3 consumption, decreasing Omega-6 consumption, acupuncture, relaxation techniques and hypnotherapy. It is vital to note that any type of alternative therapy is intended to be used in conjunction with medical advice, because fast-acting medications are often required for a severe asthma attack.

One modality that is turning more popular is self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Hypnosis treatment of asthma has the goal of triggering the relaxation response, which can serve to prevent or reduce your symptoms when having an attack. Some other alternative types of asthma treatment also employ relaxation as a means to eliminate symptoms, such as with meditation programs.

Using hypnosis, one can treat the emotional aspects of an asthma attack, which have the power to make an attack much more serious. It is only human nature to get anxious or feel vulnerable when we sense our air supply being cut off. This instinctual reaction actually can and will intensify the severity of an asthma attack. Similar feelings of fearfulness and trepidation about having an asthma attack can actually bring on an attack. These emotional causes and responses are handled with the asthma treatment method of hypnosis.

Hypnosis has been established to be a highly useful asthma treatment. With a trained hypnotherapist, or using one of the several recorded programs on hand, an individual can quickly glide into a relaxed hypnotic state, and begin to take control over breathing and bodily functions. One of the best techniques is to learn how to utilize hypnosis to actually abort a looming asthma attack. The self-hypnosis method of asthma treatment is very successful, and can work well for those who can't take or don't want to take prescription medication on a regular basis. Which asthma treatment you choose depends both on the seriousness of your symptoms and what type of treatment that works well for your symptoms.

About the Author

Alan B. Densky, CH has perfected numerous hypnosis methods that are effective asthma treatments. His Neuro-VISION self-hypnosis website offers a broad range of self-hypnosis CDs. Visit for Free hypnotherapy videos, newsletters, and articles.

3 Different Ways To Managing Stress by Nourman Medd

Most people understand at the very least that stress is a killjoy. When it piles up and grinds a person day in and day out, the effects can be devastating. From mild to moderate exhaustion and irritation to actual life-threatening heart attacks, stress can have some rather serious implications. To help avoid the worst stress can dole out, many people look into different stress management to help them.

Managing stress is something almost anyone can do. The best methods for doing so depend a lot on the person in question and the kind of stress they face. Tackling some forms of stress directly is very feasible, but in other cases, it is nearly impossible. Managing stress almost always, however, begins with a conscious decision to do so. There are a few different ways that can help people manage stress. Sometimes a combination of them works very well for an overall improvement.

Managing Stress Through Change

If stress is caused by a dysfunctional relationship, a bad job or other factors that can sometimes be changed, making an effort to do so can help with managing stress. While it is not always easy to manage stress in this fashion, if extreme dissatisfaction is plaguing life, it can be very beneficial.

While major changes to help with managing stress are not always possible, there are smaller steps people can take to assist. Some of them include:

* Lightening a schedule. If everyday involves one activity after another, try to build in some relaxation time. * Removing clutter. Clutter in a home or office can add stress to life. The mere fact of seeing it on a daily basis and knowing the "work" waits, can be a stressor that adds up over time. * Adding a hobby to life. A fun, relaxing hobby can sometimes work off a bit of stress. While this won't necessarily remove stress from life, it can counterbalance some of its negative effects.

Managing Stress Through Relaxation

If the biggest problems related to stress come from an inability to relieve oneself of tension, there are things that can be done to help. Some people find these things ease tension and enable them to better manage stress as it crops up:

* Getting more sleep. Believe it or not, this can actually help. If a good seven to eight hours isn't in the routine, try to make it so. * Relaxation techniques. Learning how to relax will not remove stress per say, but it can help lessen its impacts. It can also help focus the mind on what is important and what is not.

Therapy Can Help

Sometimes the best route to take involves professional therapy. This is a solid way to work through stressors and learn techniques to help deal with them.

Managing stress is not as easy as it sounds. It often begins with a conscious decision to take a stand, make changes and learn to relax and cope.

About the Author

Nourman Medd is editor of website If you want to read more articles about Anxiety,Stress and Depression and other Healthy Tips, please feel free to visit that website.

Lose Weight Finally by Chris N

Are you tired of being overweight? Are you tired of people asking you that question and trying to sell you a stupid program that doesn't work? I was too so I decided to find out what really works when trying to lose weight. Here are a few lifestyle changes that I found burn a little extra calories or keep you from ingesting more. 1 Drink Plenty of Water Water has no calories! Fill your stomach with it, go ahead. You cant gain a single pound of fat with water. 2. Breathe deeply. Are you breathing shallow right now? If you breathe deep you can keep your heart rate up. Also breathing in fills your body with cold air and breathing out lets out some heat. Every time you breath your body has to work harder to put its temperature at normal levels. If your body is working harder you are burning more calories. A lot of overweight people try to suck it in all the time and they neglect proper breathing. 3. Get off your rear end and do something! Youre not going to lose weight being a couch potato. Go and hang out with your friends, and if you don't have them make them by going to events in your community.

About the Author

Chris is a blogger who is tired of all the weight loss scams and wants to help others.

Headaches and Migraines: Symptoms of TMJ? by Patricia Woloch

When is a headache not a headache? Everyone gets headaches from time to time, but for millions of Americans, a headache can be the primary symptom of a condition called temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ. According to numerous estimates, TMJ is the third most common medical ailment in the United States. So when is a headache not a headache? For many people, the answer is when the headache is actually TMJ.
TMJ is when your jaw is improperly aligned. While this may sound simple, it actually manifests itself with a host of painful and potentially damaging symptoms. Some of the most common ones are headaches, facial numbness, tingling in the arms, legs and fingers, neck pain, ringing in the ears, chipped teeth, and grinding teeth.
While TMJ is very common, diagnosing it is not very easy. Only a qualified medical professional - in most cases, a neuromuscular dentist - can properly diagnose TMJ. It involves special scans and computer modeling, so that your bite position can be analyzed.
Neuromuscular Dentists: The TMJ Experts
Many people don't think of dentistry as anything beyond teeth, but neuromuscular conditions are an important aspect to good dental health. Only a neuromuscular dentist has the training and equipment to diagnose and treat TMJ. In fact, it's for this very reason that TMJ is so often misdiagnosed - doctors simply don't think to consider it as a possible cause of headaches.
"As a neuromuscular dentist, I keep the position of the temporomandibular joint in mind during all of my cosmetic dentistry procedures," says Dr. Dennis Ikuta, a neuromuscular dentist in Reedley, California. "Not only are neuromuscular dentists specially trained to diagnose and treat TMJ, but they are trained to prevent it from developing."
Neuromuscular dentists are singularly well equipped to treat TMJ. The most common, and generally most successful, treatment for TMJ is TENS. TENS is short for transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation. Gentle electrical current is run through your jaw muscles, which relaxes those muscles, stopping spasms and relieving pain.
Additional treatments include jaw re-alignment, often involving a custom-made mouthpiece the patient wears at night. In most cases, TMJ can be treated quite effectively with pain-free, non-invasive procedures.
Say Goodbye to Headaches
The results are life changing. Because TMJ is a chronic condition, TMJ sufferers often become somewhat accustomed to on-going pain. Once the TMJ is treated, however, that pain lifts. On-going TMJ-related aches can lead to depression, irritability, and general discomfort. TMJ treatment improves both the physical and the psychological aspects of TMJ.
If you suffer from on-going headaches, it's important to meet with a neuromuscular dentist. A neuromuscular dentist has additional training - above and beyond traditional dental school - and is the type of medical professional most qualified to diagnose, and subsequently treat, TMJ.
A headache can be more than just a headache. It can be a warning sign of TMJ. If you suffer from headaches, jaw pain, eyestrain, tingling in the arms and legs, or similar symptoms, it is absolutely worth your time to meet with a neuromuscular dentist. TMJ is a very common problem, yet one which the general public is largely unfamiliar with. Even physicians tend to overlook TMJ as a possible cause, since the symptoms of TMJ are so varied and vague. Only a neuromuscular dentist - typically - has the training and experience necessary to correct TMJ.

About the Author
Contact Dr. Ikuta to discuss your symptoms by visiting his website or calling (559) 638-6321.

The Expansion of Rejuvenation for Your Face by Patricia Woloch

Rejuvenation means to reverse the process of aging and to get the full advantage of modern techniques, you must consider all the options. These options, nowadays, include facial cosmetic surgery, a practice that has escalated exponentially from secret procedures practiced by movie stars and parvenus to a popular and open practice in just a few short decades and is now available to the "everyday" person.
Available Procedures
For those looking to improve just about any area of the face, cosmetic surgeons and aestheticians have found a solution. These include:
· Face, forehead, eye and neck lifts· Ear and nose reshaping· Chin and cheek implants· Botox® injections· Face and neck liposuction· Injectable fillers· Glycolic, citric, and lactic acid peels· Laser skin resurfacing· Microdermabrasion· Lymphatic drainage
...along with waxing, tinting, bleaching and more.
A Few Stats
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), close to 11 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures were performed in 2006, an increase of 7 percent in only one year. And of those procedures, liposuction, eyelid surgery and nose reshaping were among the top five most performed. (Although liposuction encompasses other parts of the anatomy, it also entails the face and neck.) Minimally invasive procedures were up 8 percent, with Botox® injections, chemical peels, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion and hyaluronic acid injectables (dermal fillers) - all facial procedures - making up every one of the five most-performed procedures. These numbers affirm the fact that every day, more and more people across the country are wanting to look better - and are doing something about it.
Multiple Procedures Common
Many cosmetic surgery clients have realized that more than one procedure can help them. For instance, a minimally invasive facelift, such as the highly successful Simplicity lift, improves their check, neck and jaw line, but to improve on a furrowed brow or droopy eyes, they can opt to have additional procedures like the forehead lift or an eyelid lift done at the same time.
As Speed of Procedures Goes Up, Costs Go Down
New minimally invasive surgical techniques are revolutionizing facial cosmetic surgery, such as those used by Dr. Michael Jasin of the Jasin Facial Rejuvenation Institute in Florida. This doctor employs the "pulley" stitch as part of his suturing techniques and makes far fewer incisions than are made in traditional facelifts, thus decreasing the time of facelift procedures from three to five hours to right around an hour - and without the use of general anesthesia. These factors are not only making cosmetic surgery safer and shorter, they're making it affordable to more people than ever.
Rejuvenation - It's Do-able!
Rejuvenating the face does not have to be the stuff of daydreams any longer. Doctors performing facial cosmetic surgery today have a variety of procedures, exceptionally trained staffs, the latest in technology and knowledge - and most of them offer financial arrangements to pay for it. Cosmetic surgery has reached a new level of do-ability - why not take advantage of it?

About the Author
If you are considering cosmetic surgery, contact the surgeons at Jasin Facial Rejuvenation Institute in Tampa, FL today.

Findings on Brittle Diabetes by Roger Guzman, M.D.

Brittle diabetes is not easy for all those concerned. It is a difficult condition not only for the patients but also to the health care providers and family. While this condition most often occurs in the 15-30 age group, there have been reports of brittle diabetes causing problems for the elderly.
This was why Drs. Susan Benbow of Liverpool's University Clinical Department of Medicine and Geoffrey Gill along with Angela Walsh of Liverpool's Diabetes Center were prompted to study the characteristics and causes of brittle diabetes in the elderly.
What they did was sent out questionnaires to all United Kingdom hospital clinics for diabetic adults. In this way they were able to obtain reports for 55 patients who met the standards for brittle diabetes among the senior population. What are these criteria? In order to become participants for this research, first, they have to be 60 years old or over.
The second standard is that they have to be treated with insulin. And they have had their lives disrupted by glycemic instability. Moreover, they must have been hospitalized for a long period and this hospitalization should have been not only of long duration but often.
After calculating the mean age, the result came up as 74 years old. The number of cases for females is a high 71%. The researchers classified the brittle diabetes among the senior population into three categories:
. varied instability in 44%
. repeated ketoacidosis in 29%
. recurrent hypoglycemia in 15%
You must wonder why the aforementioned statistics did not arrive at a total of 100%. It's because enough information was not available in some cases. There was not a single cause for brittle diabetes among two-thirds of the participants which amounted to 66%brittle diabetes. In fact, the researchers found many causes for this diabetes in this age group,
As for the single cause of this condition, they discovered that the main reason for this condition is medical disease. The researchers did not identify the medical disease although another study reported that their cases also involved other chronic diseases. Another cause is that only 6% of the participants were unaware of the hypoglycemic event.
Problems about behavior and memory were found not to be common. Only four cases were found showing patients who intentionally manipulated the treatment. And 84% of the elderly who were afflicted with brittle diabetes were living alone.
Among the four cases who manipulated the treatment, two with repeated ketoacidosis were thought of as seeking attention by leaving out insulin. One had problems with her marriage and possibly was suffering from depression. She seemed to be wanting to gain personally from her glycemic instability.
The last subject who manipulated the therapy case was deemed to be calculating and depressed. Her hypoglycemic events all occurred in public. However in all these cases there were other issues that may have led to the instability. Most of these would be the chronic non-diabetic medical condition.
Among the younger cases, the main characteristic of brittle diabetes is recurrent ketoacidosis but this research seems to indicate that brittle diabetes in the elderly have different causes and patterns. With the older group now making use of insulin treatment, we may see more of the same cases.
The diabetes health care team found many causes of the condition but it is more important to note that this survey found that brittle diabetes among the senior population exists. And this problem should not be ignored. It is quite a problem not only for the health care team but for the family as well.
When the elderly is admitted to the hospital for diabetes, the reason given is usually varied. The most cause is mixed brittleness whereas for the younger patients, ketoacidosis is the most common reason for hospitalization. There are more females than males among the elderly but this does not come as a surprise so it is not considered as statistically important.
There is not enough publications on unstable diabetes in the elderly. The report in Birmingham, UK is that 25% of those with repeated episodes were over 59 years old. That most of these have mixed brittleness was found by Griffin and Yudkin. They did not identify any clear cause for the instability.
Gale et al from Nottingham in 1981 reported that 33% of diabetic patients who were admitted to the hospital over a period of 7 years were over 50 years old. There is a need therefore to think of strategies to face the clear indication that brittle diabetes in the elderly is a reality. Multidisciplinary approach is the way to go when dealing with prevention and management.

About the Author
Roger Guzman, M.D. was Director of Forensic Psychiatry at Centracare for ten years and published numerous articles in the Journal of the American College of Forensic Psychiatry and other medical magazines. For more information, please visit these sites:
Brittle Diabetes
Diabetes Diet

Get Rid of Fat and Still Eat Like a Pig! by Kari Larson

There's a "new gal" in town, and her name is Dr. Suzanne! And she's done something no one has ever done before: She's found the REAL way to LOSE FAT, be HEALTHY and, yet, still EAT whatever you want! In fact, she's even had "death threats" aimed against her, because what she's done has really ticked off the powers-that-be -- including drug companies and weight-loss food manufacturers.
Here's how her new "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" works...
Dr. Suzanne discovered something that a small group of other doctors are just now catching on to -- namely, that ALL sicknesses and diseases [including obesity] start in the intestines [your colon]. This happens because of "toxic build-up" due to your body being unable to get rid of a small amount of what you eat in every single meal or snack you take in. And, over time, this little "leftover bit" starts to add up -- and BIGTIME!
It works basically like this: You eat, say, 100 "units" of toxins in every meal or snack. You "poop-out" most of it -- i.e., about 99 units. Subtracting means you have 100 - 99 = 1 leftover "toxic" unit. Over 1,000 such snacks or meals, you end up having 1,000 "toxic" units in "build-up."
Although each small meal or snack may seem meaningless to you, these built-up "stores" of toxins cause your body to equally build up FAT. Why? To "protect" you from the poisonous "toxins."
That's right! The extra pounds are your body's way of putting a big "rubber tire" of insulation between YOU and the "bad junk." And, once you have BOTH extra "fat stores" and "toxins," you're in BIG, BIG TROUBLE!
What then happens is, you fall vulnerable to every kind of "sickness" and "disease." And this pattern is what's been happening now for the better part of 50 years -- moreso in the United States than perhaps anywhere else on earth!
Before 1954, in fact, people ate much fattier foods -- full of greasy cholesterol and oils -- yet the number of people who suffered diabetes, cancers, strokes and just about everything else, pales compared to today! So, the "guilty party" had little to nothing to do with all the so-called "bad foods" -- and pretty much went completely unnoticed.
"Unnoticed" until Dr. Suzanne began studying the problem. You see, Dr. Suzanne comes from a family of "chunky" people. Yet, despite this, she is very lean and even sexy! People who meet her think she's some kind of "aerobics trainer" or someone who starves themselves half to death.
But that's NOT the case at all! Dr. Suzanne doesn't really exercise that much, and she even "eats like a pig" [according to one close friend and "insider"].
So how is this possible? Luck? Hardly! Dr. Suzanne discovered that if you simply get rid of the same amount of toxins and JUNK going in, you never end up getting the "toxic build-up" in the first place. And NO toxic build-up means absolutely NO disease, and NO extra "pudge" around the middle, butt or love handles, nor near the armpits and backs of the legs.
Going back to our little equation above, we get: 1,000 "toxic" units - 1,000 "toxic" units = 0 "toxic" units. And, when you have 0 "toxic" units, you have 0 "toxic" build-up. And, of course, when you have 0 "toxic" build-up, you have 0 "disease" and 0 "extra fat!"
But what is more surprising than this discovery is the fact that, even though she [and a growing number of other newly enlightened doctors] has mountains of evidence supporting this, the "mainstream" medical establishment is out to get her -- just like prosecutors in the notorious "Salem Witch Trials!"
Short of trying to burn her at the stake, other doctors would rather keep selling you "toxic" drugs -- that, although eliminating one symptom, cause who only knows how many "other" very damaging, and even dangerous, conditions?
Also, not surprisingly, weight-loss food companies would equally like some "evil" to befall the lovely Dr. Suzanne.
"I guess it's just a matter of economics," suggests Dr. Suzanne. "After all, if people follow my advice, they will never get sick in the first place; they will never get fat; and, therefore, they will have little need or dependency on either other doctors or special diet foods."
And this means a major loss in income to doctors and food manufacturers -- in terms of BILLIONS of dollars lost to them! So serious this has become, that Dr. Suzanne recently suffered death threats -- believed by at least one federal law enforcement agency to have originated from high up in the world of big business from the drug empires. [And I don't mean the illegal drug dealers, either, but the "legal" drug dealers; AKA Big Pharma.]
"Officials" won't say yet who their chief suspects are -- and, most likely, the whole matter will become "hushed up" all too soon. Hushed up because: 1] The "powerful drug companies" are certainly rich enough to pay someone to close any investigation; and 2] The more threats she gets, the more people everywhere will "KNOW" she's telling the truth. After all, if she weren't challenging these "powerful bigwigs," they wouldn't be so upset!
Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" works on getting your body to get rid of the toxins -- NOT on trying to get you to make major changes in your lifestyle -- which, by the way, few people can really muster.
I mean, think about it: 99% of everyone you know who says they are doing a "new diet" only end up failing anyway. The woman we all know who said, five years ago, that she was on some new diet to "LOSE 25 pounds" now weighs 50 pounds more. [Ha! Horrible ... yet a tad funny, too!]
Or, how about the guy who joins the gym to "get back into shape," then a year later looks even worse?
These are the people YOU and I both know. They're all around us, and are clear "PROOF" that diets and exercise DON'T really work -- and not because those things aren't good for you and me, but because something else is standing in their way! And that "something else" is none other than "toxins!" Get rid of "them," and get rid of "everything else!" It's just that simple.
But you MUST know what you're doing, or else you may make a big mistake! And that's precisely what's inside Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"
Now, at this point, I would like you to strongly consider everything I've said here. I hope you will even get her "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" for yourself.
Ordinarily, I'd say do whatever you want, as I would never try to twist anyone's arm. However, in this particular case, I must press you. You see, because Dr. Suzanne has been the target of death threats, and because she's now taking so much heat from the so-called "good guys" out to sell you every "legal" drug under the sun, she may be forced to remove her "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" out of YOUR reach very, very soon!
And if that happens, YOU, at least, may never find out the TRUTH, and not be able to use it for yourself -- or those you love and want to protect!
That's the real reason I'm writing you today: So that you have the chance to be armed with something that, if you act right away, no one can ever take away from you!
So, rather than write a single sentence more, I'll just give you the link, so you can get it right now -- before it's too late:
That's it. Please, do what you think, right now, is BEST...
P.S.: Please don't overlook the seriousness concerning this, only to discover later when you really want it, it's somehow no longer available! That kind of thing truly hurts when you miss out. Take action now:
Tags: 2008, alternative, Big Pharma, bowel, cancer, chronic, colon, companies, conspiracy, death threats, diabetes, diet, digest, digestion, digestive, disease, doctor, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, drug, e-book, ebook, energy, establishment, extracts, fat, federal, food, harmony, health, herbs, how can, how do, how to, illness, intestines, law enforcement, lose, loss, mainstream, medical, natural, nutrition, obesity, organic, parasite, pharmaceutical, plaque, pounds, secret, shed, stroke, testimonials, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, toxic, toxins, treatment, TV, weight
© 2008 Kari Larson. All rights reserved.

About the Author
Kari Larson is a free-agent writer, small-business champion, health communicator, journalist, publisher and PR/branding/marketing catalyst who's focused on creating total health *and* artistic, professional and financial freedom.
Start making 2008 your healthiest and most high-energy year yet! Get Dr. Suzanne's "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" today: ==>

Super Clear Face by Taylor Beech

Today my face is super clear, but it wasn't always that way.
Y'know when ever I would read one of these types of articles that talks about how someone suffered from something and is now on the other side I was always skeptical.
I thought, "B.S. that is just some guy typing up a bunch of lies. Once you have a face that has acne, you always will." That was the old cynic.
But sitting here today I can honestly say that I am that guy and these words I write are the truth. All through high school I had acne. I would never get any zits on my cheeks but a ton around my mouth and beside my nose, with the occasional forehead pimple too.
I remember how it felt hating to go to school because people would actually see you. Walking around with as much self confidence as a mild mannered, naked toad man everyone was hard to talk to.
I'd make it through the day and feel so relieved to be home so that I could go through my routine of skin care that was completely wrong. I read that potassium got rid of pimples. Great, so I made sure to eat tons of potassium rich foods everyday, tons of bananas and potato chips!
Sure they are high in potassium but ridiculously oily and as I ate them everyday after school I was only making things worse.
I remember what it felt like to not know what the hell to do. To feel frustrated and wanting so badly to have clear skin all the time. To capture the feeling and confidence I had when I did have a clear skin day. Those days were magic!
I instantly felt more attractive, more confident, felt the stress lift away all from the way my face looked. Maybe I shouldn't have put so much stock in to that but I did and you probably do too.
Now many years later I eat extremely well, which I believe is a huge component to having clear skin and I also take preventive measures. Preventative measures to not only keep acne away but when you get a little older you start thinking about the other face problem... wrinkles.
Now I am only 30 and don't have too many wrinkles yet BUT now is the time to start tackling them. Why wait until you already have a catcher's mitt face to try and reverse the aging process? For many of us that will be too late.
You need to take care of your face NOW to prevent future breakouts AND slow the signs of aging.
How do you do that?
Take a quick peak over to this site and learn all about the revolutionary new at home, laser light therapy skin care device, Tanda.

About the Author
Taylor Beech is an expert in the home use of light therapy. Specializing in the treatment of acne and reducing the signs of aging.

Super Clear Face by Taylor Beech

Today my face is super clear, but it wasn't always that way.
Y'know when ever I would read one of these types of articles that talks about how someone suffered from something and is now on the other side I was always skeptical.

I thought, "B.S. that is just some guy typing up a bunch of lies. Once you have a face that has acne, you always will." That was the old cynic.

But sitting here today I can honestly say that I am that guy and these words I write are the truth. All through high school I had acne. I would never get any zits on my cheeks but a ton around my mouth and beside my nose, with the occasional forehead pimple too.

I remember how it felt hating to go to school because people would actually see you. Walking around with as much self confidence as a mild mannered, naked toad man everyone was hard to talk to.

I'd make it through the day and feel so relieved to be home so that I could go through my routine of skin care that was completely wrong. I read that potassium got rid of pimples. Great, so I made sure to eat tons of potassium rich foods everyday, tons of bananas and potato chips!

Sure they are high in potassium but ridiculously oily and as I ate them everyday after school I was only making things worse.

I remember what it felt like to not know what the hell to do. To feel frustrated and wanting so badly to have clear skin all the time. To capture the feeling and confidence I had when I did have a clear skin day. Those days were magic!

I instantly felt more attractive, more confident, felt the stress lift away all from the way my face looked. Maybe I shouldn't have put so much stock in to that but I did and you probably do too.

Now many years later I eat extremely well, which I believe is a huge component to having clear skin and I also take preventive measures. Preventative measures to not only keep acne away but when you get a little older you start thinking about the other face problem... wrinkles.

Now I am only 30 and don't have too many wrinkles yet BUT now is the time to start tackling them. Why wait until you already have a catcher's mitt face to try and reverse the aging process? For many of us that will be too late.

You need to take care of your face NOW to prevent future breakouts AND slow the signs of aging.

How do you do that?

Take a quick peak over to this site and learn all about the revolutionary new at home, laser light therapy skin care device, Tanda.

About the Author
Taylor Beech is an expert in the home use of light therapy. Specializing in the treatment of acne and reducing the signs of aging.

Considerations When Browsing Internet Pharmacy Sites by harvey

The advent of the Internet has become an impressive development and quite revolutionary for the business world. The emergence of faster ways to process and place orders, along with the technology needed to get those orders filled, has resulted in the emergence of businesses that operate solely on the Internet. Every major field in the world, from art to electronics, from travel to computers has some form of online presence. It is therefore no real shock that something as vital to modern civilization as medicine has taken up roots on the Internet as well. However, unlike most businesses, medicine and pharmacy are inherently hard to comprehend outside of a face-to-face environment. Like any other online retailer or business, an Internet pharmacy must be subjected to the same standards of testing as other online stores.
The first question that any consumer should have when dealing with an Internet pharmacy should be whether or not said Internet pharmacy can be trusted. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort for someone to set up a fake Internet pharmacy that looks so much like a legitimate one --- a frightening but very realistic prospect. There may be more than a few organizations that can be looked towards to verify the authenticity and reliability of any given website, but just how many consumers would be aware of them? And if consumers were aware, how many average consumers have the time, patience, or even good sense to go through the records of such organizations to find a site that is convenient, legitimate, and has what they need? Statistics for this sort of thing are hard to come by, but most anecdotal evidence and the prevalence of scam sites suggests that the numbers are dismally low.
Another thing to consider would be geography. The first part of this concern involves just how long it would take for standard delivery procedures to get your order to your doorstep. Medication can be a very sensitive thing, with some conditions being so hair-trigger than even a day's delay on drug doses can result in some very dangerous side effects. If the pharmacy's warehouses are nowhere near your location, then it would likely be much healthier to just drive to the closest real pharmacy than order online. Geography also plays a role on whether or not the pharmacy of your choice may even be able to deliver the medications you orders without breaking some law or regulation. Medication that enjoy legal status in one country could easily be restricted or illegal in another. Thankfully, a vast number of sites state the limits of their service somewhere on the site.
Availability should also be a concern. Just because a site shows that it stocks the medication you need, be it Tramadol or Viagra, doesn't mean it has them in stock at all times. Like a real store, online shops can run out of medication and have to place your order in the back, until their stocks are replenished. This can be a problem if the store doesn't inform you of this immediately, leaving you hanging and potentially facing side effects or unwanted symptoms because you missed a dose or two of your medication.

About the Author
Harvey Ong is a part-time writer and part-time creative, currently employed by an online media and advertising company. He is interested in philosophy,history,psychology,criminology, toxicology, pharmacy, and sociology. He is also an avid collector of porcelain figurines.href=""> is a reputable online drug store. From sexual health to a woman's health, sleeping aids to weight loss pills, ou

The Most Popular Types of Asian Massage by Kerry Ng

Tremendous massage techniques have been developed in both India and the Far East over the centuries. The Asian massage is still very popular for both relaxation and as a therapy around the world. Countless people have used this type of massage for centuries with tremendous health benefits.
The Thai Massage
The Thai massage originated in India. This type of massage combines guided stretching and Meridian pressure techniques with Pranayama breathing. Dr. Shivago K. introduced it to Thailand back in Buddah's time, dating back about 2500 years ago. The Pranayama breathing technique is meant for cleansing the body and strengthening the nervous system. Pranayama Raising also helps in boosting the immune system, concentration, and focusing as well as more efficient oxidation of the blood. The massage area it is either on a mat or a firm mattress on the floor. The person is made to practice yoga like positions during the course of the massage. After the session, most people find that the Thai massage has helped them feel both relaxed and refreshed.
The Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu hails from the Japanese words shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure. This is in other type of Asian massage that was developed in the Far East, originating in Japan. It's a very popular form of massage that uses thumb pressure, fingers and palms. It works along the energy meridians in the body, similar to that as acupressure. There are tremendous health benefits derived from the Shiatsu massage; benefits such as rebalancing of bone system, enhance balance of the nervous system, improvement in circulatory function and greater flexibility of skin and muscle.
The Chinese Tui Na Massage
Tui Na is a form of Chinese manipulative therapy developed over 5000 years ago. This type of massage is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, Chinese herbalism another health related therapies. The essence of this massage lies in the applying of pressure to the body at certain key points. It employs a series of tapping, pressing and kneading with the therapist's palms, knuckles, fingertips or certain implements that will help remove blockages along the meridians of the body.
The end result is the stimulation of the flow of qi (natural respiration of the body) and blood to promote healing. Tui Na Massage is used as a treatment for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as certain non-musculoskeletal conditions. This type of treatment has far fewer negative side effects that many of the modern drug-based and chemical-based treatments use today in our western culture.
The Javanese Massage
The Javanese massage originated from Indonesia. It is another significant type of Asian massage. This uses all parts of the therapist's hand, which includes the knuckles, fingers and palms to knead and massage the muscles. This treatment is a facilitated by using massage oil. The Javanese massage helps release tension, alleviates back pain and helps in the healing of fractures. This is probably the most robust (and even painful) type of Asian massage there is. However, it has tremendous benefits for your overall health and well-being.

About the Author
Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Massage Info Blog. For more great helpful information about massages visit

3 Deadly Skin Care Myths by Mark Aleks

Your skin is one of the most important components to beauty. Clean, young, vibrant looking skin can increase a woman and man's attractiveness ten fold. The tricky part is there are hundreds of myths out there that can destroy the beauty of your skin.
Are any of those myths having an effect on your skin?
Here are 3 myths that could have a deadly effect on the beauty of your skin, and how to overcome them to create and keep beautiful skin.
1. Wearing Sunscreen The concept of using sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful sun is good. However, the problem is that most sunscreens contain active ingredients which are harmful chemicals. Depending on the sunscreen, the chemicals may include Benzophenones, PABA and PABA esters, Cinnamates, Salicylates, Digalloyl trioleate, Menthyl anthranilate and Avobenzone. The Environmental Working Group found 84% of sunscreens are harmful to consumers.
Solution: A surprisingly good natural sun block comes from broccoli extract. It has been found to produce a matrix of protective enzymes that defend against damage from UV exposure.
2. Buying the Best Smelling, Best Looking Skin Lotions Everyone loves shopping at the mall and smelling skin lotions. In fact, the smell and look of a lotion are the biggest reasons people buy it. Unfortunately, the smell and look in most products are created artificially. And when it's created artificially, it is harmful to your skin. It may make your skin feel moist, but on the cellular level it is speeding up the aging process.
Solution: Look for lotions that have all natural, or even better, all organic fragrances and coloring.
3. Using Soapy Soap After watching Dove Soap commercials you can't help but want to use soaps to lather your body clean. Soaps can do rather the opposite though. They tend to clog your pores due to the ingredients that make the soap a solid. That leads to acne and also takes away the vibrant look on the skin.
Solution: Try to use less harsh and/or organic soaps, and use cleansers on your face more often.
These myths come totally unexpected considering our culture practices them everyday. Being aware of them and creating new healthy habits can have profound effects on aging.
With your skin, the smallest changes begin to make the biggest differences, just as these 3 myths can dramatically impact the beauty of your skin.

About the Author
Mark Aleks and his brother started a skin care company at a young age, providing exclusive skin care products to spa and salons in cities like Boston and New York City.
To sign up for his skin care newsletter on eliminating aging, go to

Quit Smoking - Ideas That Work by Diane Ellen

If you have decided to quit smoking, congratulations! You are on your way to join the millions of people who have successfully quit smoking.
Let's look at a few of the methods that people use to stop:
What are the aids available? Nicotine patches, inhalers and gum are the main ones. A doctor can also give you a prescription drug if you consult one.
These aids are especially helpful the first few weeks, especially if you feel like you are really suffering from strong withdrawal symptoms. Severe irritability and bursts of anger which could have a negative effect on your life and relationships can be relieved by using these aids. The rate of success with using them is higher than just quitting. You should not need to take these aids for more than a couple of weeks.
Hypnosis is something that many people have found helpful in their goal of quitting smoking. A hypnotist's suggestion that you won't have a desire to smoke any more is pretty convincing.
Hypnotherapy can work on minimizing or even abolishing cravings. Even though some people are more susceptible to hypnosis, once the hypnosis works, the command should work on anybody.
Being wise about timing - like avoiding really stressful times can help in being successful in quitting.
Just Quit (Or going cold turkey)
If you decide to simply stop, you will need a lot of focus and you can gain that through motivation. Making a list of all the reasons that you want to stop may help you. Keep adding to them even after you have stopped since you want more motivation when you have cravings.
Be really positive in your thinking. A strong motivation to you may something as minor as noticing that your breath smells really good. Any positive result to focus on with help you through. Keep congratulating yourself on the little things that make you feel good that you quit!
Going cold turkey, or simply stopping, sounds the most difficult but many people have been successful with it. However, having some help can ease the pressure and help with the cravings and other withdrawal problems such irritability and anger.
Did you ever think that people go without cigarettes for about 7 hours every night? Even heavy smokers with a serious nicotine addiction manage to get through the night without a cigarette! It may help to keep that in your mind and realize that most people can go for much longer between cigarettes than they may think.
Most importantly, the fact that you want to quit is more important than which method you choose. Don't put it off - just get started!

About the Author
Many people want to quit smoking. The concern about serious health risks can be a powerful motivator. For tips and more advice on quitting successfully go to: