3 Deadly Skin Care Myths by Mark Aleks

Your skin is one of the most important components to beauty. Clean, young, vibrant looking skin can increase a woman and man's attractiveness ten fold. The tricky part is there are hundreds of myths out there that can destroy the beauty of your skin.
Are any of those myths having an effect on your skin?
Here are 3 myths that could have a deadly effect on the beauty of your skin, and how to overcome them to create and keep beautiful skin.
1. Wearing Sunscreen The concept of using sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful sun is good. However, the problem is that most sunscreens contain active ingredients which are harmful chemicals. Depending on the sunscreen, the chemicals may include Benzophenones, PABA and PABA esters, Cinnamates, Salicylates, Digalloyl trioleate, Menthyl anthranilate and Avobenzone. The Environmental Working Group found 84% of sunscreens are harmful to consumers.
Solution: A surprisingly good natural sun block comes from broccoli extract. It has been found to produce a matrix of protective enzymes that defend against damage from UV exposure.
2. Buying the Best Smelling, Best Looking Skin Lotions Everyone loves shopping at the mall and smelling skin lotions. In fact, the smell and look of a lotion are the biggest reasons people buy it. Unfortunately, the smell and look in most products are created artificially. And when it's created artificially, it is harmful to your skin. It may make your skin feel moist, but on the cellular level it is speeding up the aging process.
Solution: Look for lotions that have all natural, or even better, all organic fragrances and coloring.
3. Using Soapy Soap After watching Dove Soap commercials you can't help but want to use soaps to lather your body clean. Soaps can do rather the opposite though. They tend to clog your pores due to the ingredients that make the soap a solid. That leads to acne and also takes away the vibrant look on the skin.
Solution: Try to use less harsh and/or organic soaps, and use cleansers on your face more often.
These myths come totally unexpected considering our culture practices them everyday. Being aware of them and creating new healthy habits can have profound effects on aging.
With your skin, the smallest changes begin to make the biggest differences, just as these 3 myths can dramatically impact the beauty of your skin.

About the Author
Mark Aleks and his brother started a skin care company at a young age, providing exclusive skin care products to spa and salons in cities like Boston and New York City.
To sign up for his skin care newsletter on eliminating aging, go to EliminateSkinAging.com

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